1789, RCS:R.I., 501-2). The legislature revised the act and appointed state collectors in
September (General Assembly Schedule, September 1789 Session [Providence, 1789]
[Evans 22104], 5-25, 27). See also Bartlett, Records, X, 340-55.
5. St. Eustatius was a Dutch island in the West Indies that served as an entrep6t for
6. Article II of the Articles of Confederation provided that "Each state retains its
sovereignty, freedom and independence" (CDR, 86).
7. King Charles I was executed by order of Parliament in 1649 during the last stages
of the English Civil War.
Newport Herald, 25 February 1790
The prayers and prophesy of JONAS in the Whale's Belly.'
What shocking news I lately hear,
Which fill's our souls with trembling fear;
That Antifederal foes invade,
And have a mighty conquest made;
If Antifederal powers commence,
Consult the gloomy consequence!
Our Liberty we must deny,
Or like good martyrs bravely die!
Heaven grant us what is wanted most,
A Washington to lead our host;
A Congress to support our laws,
And long protect the righteous cause!
Thus head and members shall agree,
And peace shall reign o'er land and sea.
For Sion's sake, 0 Lord, arise,
And scatter all our enemies!
While fraud and treach'ry shall reign,
And wise and wholesome laws prophane!
Can Antifed's in any wise,
Pray God to bless their enterprize?
The time will come, 0 Antifed's,
When shame shall clothe your empty heads!
When heaven shall all your schemes defeat,
And kindly raise the good and great.
1. See Jonah, chapters 1-2.
Newport Herald, 25 February 1790
The following is an extract from an act passed at the present session
of the Congress of the United States of America, entitled, An act for