could have been effected in which so few imperfections are to be
found. The man who can deliberately go about to oppose the adoption
of this plan, must evidently be actuated by sinister motives; for admit-
ting it to be much more faulty than it really is, can we form any rea-
sonable hope of obtaining a better?
What a glorious spectacle would the adoption of this constitution
exhibit! an event so totally contradictory to the habits and sentiments
which prevail every where but in America, would scarcely be credited.
Elevated infinitely beyond even the conceptions of the wisest men of
the East, our situation would excite the envy and admiration of all the
world; and we should probably have the honor of teaching mankind
this important, this interesting lesson, THAT MAN IS ACTUALLY CAPABLE
OF GOVERNING HIMSELF, and not (thro' the imbecility of his nature)
"unavoidably" necessitated to resign himself to the guidance of one or
more masters.
It might be deemed arrogant in me should I presume to suggest
amendments to a constitution, in the formation of which the ablest
political artists of the nation have been employed. To vindicate myself
from this charge, I think it will be sufficient for me to say that the
constitution, tho' excellent, is acknowledged on all hands to have
its defects: how indeed could it be otherwise? The wonder is, that so
few are to be found. The following are the amendments I would pro-
That the executive be divided into THREE GRAND DEPARTMENTS.
I. The PRESIDENT vested with all the powers given him by the con-
stitution, except such as are hereafter proposed to be lodged in other
hands. To make appointments without the advice and consent of the
II. The CHIEF JUSTICE to have the appointment of the Judges, and
every other officer necessary to the administration ofjustice;-to hold
his office during good behaviour.
III. The SUPERINTENDENT OF FINANCE to have the management of
all matters relative to the collection and expenditure of the foederal
revenues; to have the appointment of all officers of the revenue; the
treasurer or receiver general, treasurers and receivers in each State,
customhouse officers, excise officers, &c.-to hold his office during
good behaviour.
These three great executive officers, to constitute a council to revise
all bills which have passed the house of representatives and the senate,
in the same manner as by the constitution it is directed to be done by
the President. A majority to determine the sense of the council on all
questions that may come before them.