WARD,JOHN (Providence), 889, 1065n
WARD, SAMUEL (Westerly), xxix
WARDELL, ISAAC (Bristol), 154*
WARDWELL, SAMUEL (Bristol), 154*
WARNER, BENJAMIN (Glocester), 169*
WARNER, OLIVER B. (Newport), 594
WARNER, SAMUEL (North Kingstown), 187*
WARNER, WILLIAM (Cranston), 159*
WARNER, WILLIAM (Warwick), 213*
WARRANTS: protection from unreasonable
searches and seizures in Congress' proposed
amendments, 1083; protection from unrea-
sonable searches and seizures in RI Conven-
tion's bill of rights, 978, 998-99
WARREN (ship): and celebration of RI ratifi-
cation, 1017, 1030, 1036
WARREN, GAMALIEL (Tiverton), 209*
WARREN, R.I.: burned during American Revo-
lution, 873; calls for repeal of tender pro-
vision of paper-money act, xxxii; celebrates
RI ratification, 1024; deputies from, lxxxi;
Federalists win large majority in, 866; and
fishing, 963; might secede to Mass. without
RI ratification, 899, 965, 970n-71n; petition
for exemption from foreign duties, 585n,
597n; RI Convention delegates from, 905;
vote on referendum on Constitution, 210-
11,* 233; will petition US Congress for pro-
tection, 495. See also Seaport towns
WARWICK, R.I., 663, 1047n; considers NY circu-
lar letter and second constitutional conven-
tion, 448; deputies from, lxxxi; establishment
of, xxvi; Federalists boycott referendum in,
225; instructs deputies against calling state
convention, 629; instructs deputies to call a
state convention, 663, 680; representation
of in House of Deputies, xxvi; RI Conven-
tion delegates from, 905; vote on referen-
dum on Constitution, 211-13,* 233
WASHINGTON COUNTY, R.I.: citizens of form
convention to advise voters electing dele-
gates to state Convention, 685; RI Conven-
tion delegates of appointed to committee to
amend Constitution, 940; RI Convention
meets in, 898, 906, 907
WASHINGTON, GEORGE (Va.), 4, 239, 558,
651n, 1012; addresses state executives re-
garding payment of officers, 274, 276n; and
appointments, 753, 871; arrives in NYC to
take oath, 486; to be informed of difficulties
in RI, 758; circular letter of June 1783, 87,
274, 276n, 364, 364n; as commander-in-
chief, 355, 1062, 1079; compared to Daniel

Owen, 783; first annual message to US Con-
gress quoted, 645n, 1070, 1072n; as first
president, 465, 811-12, 824; God protects,
88, 892, 1057, 1058, 1061, 1069, 1070;
health of, 561, 562n, 871, 871n, 892, 1070,
1080, 1080n, 1081; inauguration of as US
President, xl, 574, 575n, 643n; informs US
Congress of RI ratification, 985n, 1008n; in-
vited to visit RI, 1049; as possible first pres-
ident, 96, 410; praise of, 88, 102, 116, 293,
364, 492, 801, 803, 872, 873, 1015, 1062,
1068, 1069, 1070; progress of the new gov-
ernment under is better than hoped, 640;
Quakers address to, 718, 718n; receives
news of RI ratification, 1017, 1018, 1023; re-
gard for RI shown by in Revolutionary War,
631; respects pacifists, 698; RI Federalists in
mercantile towns request protection if they
secede, xli, 458; and RI form of ratification,
985n, 1003n; RI legislature addresses to re-
affirm loyalty to Union, 600; RI legislature
approves letter to explaining its failure to
ratify, xli; RI reprinting of letter from ex-
pressing support for Constitution, 87-89;
should not ratify Constitution because of
him, 73-74, 74n-75n; should warn states
before interdiction of commerce, 535; simi-
lar leader needed, 736; support of as reason
for ratifying Constitution, 60, 70, 73, 565;
toasted, 295, 307, 346, 350, 474, 1016, 1024,
1030, 1056, 1060, 1068, 1073, 1076-77; tour
of New England by did not include RI, 631-
32n, 632; transmits Congress' constitutional
amendments to states for ratification, 876n,
981n, 1082; urged to write to RI General As-
sembly, xl, 474-75, 476-77, 487; virtue of,
561, 1061, 1080; visited RI following RI rat-
ification, 632n, 1013-14, 1054-79; will help
adopt amendments, 504; will not write ad-
dress to RI, 508. See also American Revolu-
tion; Great men and the Constitution
-described as: American Cincinnatus, 293;
Atlas of the New-Government, 561; Father
of their Country, 631n; Honorable Nomi-
nator to Offices, 557; political Father and
Saviour of his Country, 651; "THE MAN,"
-addresses to, 1013-14, 1032-34, 1055, 1057,
1058-59, 1061, 1062-63
-responds to addresses, 1032-33, 1034,
1057-58, 1059, 1060n, 1061-62, 1063-64,
-letters from, 614, 616, 651, 855, 1009, 1032;
quoted, xliv, 110, 676n, 1054n; cited, 6, 88-