General Ratification Chronology, 1786-1791

21 January
11-14 September
20 September
11 October
23 November
23 November
4 December
30 December
6 January
17 January
3 February
10 February
21 February
22 February
28 February
3 March
6 March
8 March
14 March
23 April-26 May
5 May
14 May
14-17 May
25 May
16 June
27 June
13 July
6 August
12 September
17 September
20 September
26-28 September
28 September
28-29 September

Virginia calls meeting to consider granting Congress power
to regulate trade.
Annapolis Convention.
Congress receives Annapolis Convention report
recommending that states elect delegates to a convention
at Philadelphia in May 1787.
Congress appoints committee to consider Annapolis
Convention report.
Virginia authorizes election of delegates to Convention at
New Jersey elects delegates.
Virginia elects delegates.
Pennsylvania elects delegates.
North Carolina elects delegates.
New Hampshire elects delegates.
Delaware elects delegates.
Georgia elects delegates.
Congress calls Constitutional Convention.
Massachusetts authorizes election of delegates.
New York authorizes election of delegates.
Massachusetts elects delegates.
New York elects delegates.
South Carolina elects delegates.
Rhode Island refuses to elect delegates.
Maryland elects delegates.
Rhode Island again refuses to elect delegates.
Convention meets; quorum not present.
Connecticut elects delegates.
Convention begins with quorum of seven states.
Rhode Island again refuses to elect delegates.
New Hampshire renews election of delegates.
Congress adopts Northwest Ordinance.
Committee of Detail submits draft constitution to
Committee of Style submits draft constitution to
Constitution signed and Convention adjourns sine die.
Congress reads Constitution.
Congress debates Constitution.
Congress transmits Constitution to the states.
Pennsylvania calls state convention.
