Editorial Procedures

With a few exceptions all documents are transcribed literally. Obvious
slips of the pen and errors in typesetting are silently corrected. When
spelling or capitalization is unclear, modern usage is followed. Super-
scripts and interlineated material are lowered to the line. Thorns are
spelled out (i.e., "ye" becomes "the"). Crossed-out words are retained
when significant and legible.
Brackets are used for editorial insertions. Conjectural readings are
enclosed in brackets with a question mark. Illegible and missing words
are indicated by dashes enclosed in brackets. However, when the au-
thor's intent is obvious, illegible or missing material, up to five char-
acters in length, has been silently provided.
All headings are supplied by the editors. Headings for letters contain
the names of the writer and the recipient and the place and date of
writing. Headings for newspapers contain the pseudonym, if any, and
the name and date of the newspaper. Headings for broadsides and
pamphlets contain the pseudonym and a shortened form of the title.
Full titles of broadsides and pamphlets and information on authorship
are given in editorial notes. Headings for public meetings contain the
place and date of the meeting.
Salutations, closings of letters, addresses, endorsements, and dock-
etings are deleted unless they provide important information, which is
then either retained in the document or placed in editorial notes.
Contemporary footnotes and marginal notes are printed after the
text of the document and immediately preceding editorial footnotes.
Symbols, such as stars, asterisks, and daggers have been replaced by
superscripts (a), (b), (c), etc.
Many documents, particularly letters, are excerpted when they con-
tain material that is not directly relevant to ratification. When longer
excerpts or entire documents have been printed elsewhere, or are in-
cluded in the microfiche supplements, this fact is noted.
