Owen's Janesville City Directory. 
Nelson John, engineer, 0 & N W r 65 Center Av. 
Nelson John, jr., machinist, r n w onr Washington and Milwaukee. 
Nesbeitt George H., baker, r 68 Terrace. 
Neeling S. 0., conductor, C. & N. W., bda Myers House. 
Nenjahr William, blacksmith, r 88 Linooln. 
Newooom George, butcher, bd William House. 
Newell Noah, r 24 Jackson. 
Nesun Z. A.; D. D. S., Dental room over the Rook Co. Nat, Bank, 
r Myers Block. See advt. 
Newton Henry, shoemaker, bds 28 N High. 
Neyhart James C., harness maker, r 48 Cherry. 
Neyhart Peter, flour packer, r 50 Cherry. 
Nichols George J., engineer, C. & N. W., r 59, Lion. 
Nichols Joe, lab., r 89 Milton Av. 
Nichols John, (Bates & Niohols,) r 8 Milton Av. 
Niohols Joseph, r w's Sarah, 2 n of Glen. 
Nichols J. H., oonduccor, 0. & N. W., r 57 Linn. 
Nichols Mrs. T. J., bds 62 Pleasant. 
Nickerson David, painter, r 12 Locust. 
Nickerson Frank, olerk, r 12 Locust. 
Nightingale Thomas, section bons, r 9 Terrace. 
Nolan Mrs. B., r cor North and Palm. 
Weltemlir 0. 3., cigar mnfr and dealer in cigars and tobacco, 4 8 Frank.

lie, r 14 Center. 
Norrom Mrs. F., wid., r s s Pleuaot, 1 w Oak Hill Av. 
Norcross Pliny, atty at law, 8 W Milwaukee, r Pleasant nr Oak Hill AV. 
Norris A., propr Norris Houe, cor N Main and N First 
Norris M. A., olerk. Norrm House, bds same. 
Norris Mrs. C., wid., r n w cor Court and Harrison. 
Norris Frank A., wks Dr. Judd's, bds 18 N Second. 
Norris Suttoa, (Shopball & Norris,) r 12 Pleasant. 
Norris William J., hatter at Sargent's, r n e cor N Franklinx and Wall. 
North Levi J., brakeman, bda cor Sohool and Center Av. 
Northwestern Telegraph IneUttuto, Valentine Bros., managers,        E 
Milwaukee, Jackman & Smith's Block. 
Norton, Charles, bda Myers House. 
Read Advertisement of E. M. Sargent, page 44.