Madame Derblay Stops the Duel 
Emile Bayard, Artist 
    MME. DERBLA Y (Claire), knowing that her husband and her former 
         betrothed, the Duc de Bligny, are to fight a duel, conceals herself
         the small summer-house overlooking the field of battle. 
         Are you ready, gentlemen ? ' asked La Brdde in a firm voice. 
         Yes,' replied the Duc and Philippe, simultaneously. La Brdde at

once resumed, counting slowly: 
      ' One-two-three-four! 
      Claire saw the two pistols lowered threateningly. At this supreme 
moment she lost all self-control. An irresistible impulse urged her forward,

and with a shriek she bounded down the steps, and, eager to save Philippe,

clapped her hand upon the muĂ˝{le of Bligny's pistol. A loud report
heard, and Claire turned as pale as death itself. Excitedly waving her 
gashed and bleeding hand, she shook it in Bligny's face, covering him with

blood. Then heaving a deep sigh, she tottered and fainted away. 
     " There was a moment of indescribable confusion.      The Duc had

 retreated, horror-stricken, when he felt this warm rain of blood upon his
 Philippe had darted forward, caught hold of Claire and taken her in his

                                     Georges Ohnet's - The Ironmaster."