D'Aunoy, Fairy Tales (" Princess Fair- 
star," 1682). 
  Brunetta, the rival beauty of Phyllis. 
On one occasion Phyllis procured a most 
marvellous fabric of gold brocade in order 
to eclipse her rival, but Brunetta arrayed 
her train-bearer in a dress of the same 
material and cut in the same fashion. 
Phyllis was so mortified that she went 
home and died.-The Spectator. 
  Brunhild, queen of Issland, who made 
a vow that none should win her who could 
not surpass her in three trials of skill and 
strength: (1) hurling a spear; (2) throw- 
ing a stone; and (3) jumping. Guinther 
king of Burgundy undertook the three 
contests, and by the aid of Siegfried suc- 
ceeded in winning the martial queen. 
First, hurling a spear that three men could 
scarcely lift: the queen hurled it towards 
Gfinther, but Siegfried, in his invisible 
cloak, reversed its direction, causing it to 
strike the queen and knock her down. 
Next, throwing a stone so huge that twelve 
brawny men were employed to carry it: 
Brunhild lifted it on high, flung it twelve 
fathoms, and jumped beyond it. Again 
Siegfried helped his friend to throw it 
further, and in leaping beyond the stone. 
The queen, being fairly beaten, exclaimed 
to her liegemen, "I am no longer your 
queen and mistress; henceforth are ye the 
liegemen of Giinther" (lied vii.). After 
marriage Brunhild was so obstreperous 
that the king again applied to Siegfried, 
who succeeded in depriving her of her ring 
and girdle, after which she became a very 
submissive wife.-The Niebelungen Lied. 
  Bru'no (Bishop), bishop of Herbipolita'- 
num. Sailing one day on the Danube 
with Henry III. emperor of Germany, they 
came to Ben Strudel (" the devouring 
gulf "), near Grinon Castle, in Austria. 
Here the voice of a spirit clamored aloud, 
"Ho! ho! Bishop Bruno, whither art thou 
travelling? But go thy     ways, bishop 
Bruno, for thou, shalt travel with me to- 
night." At night, while feasting with the 
emperor, a rafter fell on his head and 
killed him. Southey has a ballad called 
Bishop Bruno, but it deviates from the 
original legend given by Heywood in sev- 
eral particulars: It makes bishop Bruno 
hear the voice first on his way to the em- 
peror, who had invited him to dinner; 
next, at the beginning of dinner; and 
thirdly, when the guests had well feasted. 
*At the last warning an ice-cold hand 
touched him, and Bruno fell dead in the 
banquet hall. 
  Brush, the impertinent English valet of 
lord Ogleby. If his lordship calls he never 
hears unless he chooses; if his bell rings 
he never answers it till it suits his pleas- 
ure. He helps himself freely to all his 
master's things, and makes love to all the 
pretty chambermaids he comes into con- 
tact with.-Colman and Garrick, The Clan- 
destine Marriage (1766). 
  Brute (1 syl.), the first king of Britain 
  (in mythical history). He was the son'of 
uneas Silvius (grandson of Ascanius and 
great-grandson of  uneas of Troy). Brute 
called London (the capital of his adopted 
country) Troynovant (New T~oy). The 
legend is this: An oracle declared that 
Brute should be the death of both his par- 
ents; his mother died in child-birth, and 
at the age of fifteen Brute shot his father 
accidentally in a deer-hunt. Being driven 
from Alba Longa, he collected a band of 
old Trojans and landed at Totness, in 
Devonshire. His    wife   was   Innogen, 
daughter of Pandra'sus king of Greece. 
His tale is told at length in the Chronicles 