Jihe Building of the Ship 
Max Rosenthal, Artist 
B ESIDE the Master, when be spoke, 
         A youth, against an anchor lean- 
Listened to catch his slightest meaning. 
Only the long waves as they broke 
In ripples on the pebbly beach, 
Interrupted the old man's sfieech. 
         The Master's word 
Enraptured the young man heard; 
And as he turned his face aside, 
With a look of joy and a thrill of pride, 
                 Max Rosenthal, Engraver 
         Standing before 
         Her father's door, 
 He saw the form of his promised bride. 
 The sun shone on her golden hair, 
 And her cheek was glowing fresh and 
 With the breath of the morn and the soft 
     sea air. 
Like a beauteous barge was she, 
Still at rest on the sandy beach, 
Just beyond the billows' reach; 
         But he 
 Was the restless, seething, stormy sea. 
    Longfellow's "Building of the Ship.."