f. Koppay, Artist 
T          E narrator of the story is on the banks of the Guadalquiver, at

         the time in the evening when the women bathe there. 
         ".A woman descended the stairway that led to the river and
herself near me. She was simply, perhaps poorly, dressed all in black, 
like the greater part of the grisettes in the evening. As she approached

me, my bather allowed the mantilla that covered her head to slip down on

her shoulders, and in the dim light of the stars I saw that she was small,

young, well made, and with very large eyes.... Her skin, although perfeelly

smooth, strongly approximated copper in color. Her eyes were oblique, 
but admirably shaped; her lips rather large, but well formed, and display-

ing teeth whiter than blanched almonds. Her hair, perhaps a little coarse,

was black, long and glossy, with blue tints like the wing of a raven."

                                                Mirim~e's " Carmen."