Do'dona in (Epiros), famous for the 
most ancient oracle in Greece. The re- 
sponses were made by an old woman 
,called a pigeon, because the Greek word 
pelea  means   either old " women" or 
"pigeons." According to fable, Zeus, gave 
his daughter Th~b6 two black pigeons 
endowed with the gift of human speech: 
one flew into Libya, and gave the re- 
sponses in the temple of Ammon: the 
other into Epiros, where it gave the re- 
sponses in Dodona. 
  We are told that the priestess of Dodona 
derived her answers from the cooing of the 
sacred doves, the rustling of the sacred 
trees, the bubbling of the sacred fountain 
and the tinkling of bells or pieces of metal 
suspended among the branches of the 
      And Dodona's oak swang lonely, 
      Henceforth to the tempest only. 
             Mrs. Browning, Dead Pan, 17. 
  Dods (Meg), landlady of the Clachan or 
Mowbery Arms inn at St. Ronan's Old 
Town. The inn was once the manse, and 
Meg Dods reigned there despotically, but 
her wines were good and her cuisine ex- 
cellent. This is one of the best low comic 
characters in the whole range of fiction. 
  She had hair of a brindled color, betwixt 
black and grey, which was apt to escape in elf- 
locks from under her mutch when she was thrown 
into violent agitation; long skinny hands termi- 
nated by stout talons, grey eyes, thin lips, a ro- 
bust person, a broad though fat chest, capital 
wind, and a voice that could match a choir of 
fishwomen.-Sir W. Scott, St. Ronan's ell, i 
(time George III.). 
   (So good a housewife was this eccentric 
landlady, that a cookery-book has been 
published bearing her name; the authoress 
is Mrs. Johnstone, a Scotchwoman.) 
   Dodson, a young farmer, called upon 
by Death on his wedding day. Death told 
him he must quit his Susan and go with 
him.   "With you! " the hapless husband 
cried; "young as I am and unprepared?" 
Death then told him he would not disturb 
him yet, but would call again after giving 
him three warnings. When he was 80 
years of age, Death called again. "So 
soon returned ?" old Dodson cried. "You 
know you promised me three warnings." 
Death then told him that as he was 
"lame and deaf and blind," he had re- 
ceived his three waruings.-Mrs. Thrale, 
[Piozzi], The Three Warnings. 
  Dodson and Fogg (Mlessrs.), two un- 
principled lawyers, who undertake on their 
own speculation to bring an action against 
Mr. Pickwick for "breach of promise" and 
file accordingly the famous suit of "Bar- 
dell v. Pickwick."--C. Dickens, The Pick- 
wick Papers (1836). 
  Doe (John) and Richard Roe, the fic- 
titious plaintiff and defendant in an action 
of ejectment. Men of straw. 
  Doeg, Saul's herdsman, who told him 
that the priest Abim'elech had supplied 
David with food; whereupon the king sent 
him to kill Abimelech, and Doeg slew 
priests to the number of four score and 
five (1 Samuel xxii. 18). In pt. ii. of the sa- 
tire called Absalom. and Achitophel, Elkaneh 
Settle is called Doeg, because he "fell 
upon" Dryden with his pen, but was only 
a "herdsman or driver of asses." 
   Doeg, tho' without knowing how or why, 
   Made still a blundering kind of melody. 
   Let him rail on.. ý 
   But if he jumbles to one line of sense, 
   Indict him of a capital offense. 
   Tate, Absalom and Architophel, ii. (1682). 
   Dog (Agrippa's). Cornelius Agrippa 