Cer'imon, a physician of Ephesus, who 
restored to animation Thaisa, the wife of 
Per'icles, prince of Tyre, supposed to be 
dead.-Shakespeare, Pericles Prince of 
Tyre (1608). 
  Chab'ot (Philippe de), admiral of France, 
governor of Bourgoyne and Normandy 
under Franqois I. Montmorency and the 
cardinal de Lorraine, out of jealousy, ac- 
cused him of malversation. His faithful 
servant Allegre was put to the rack to 
force evidence against the accused, and 
Chabot was sent to prison because he was 
unable to pay the fine levied upon him. 
His innocence, however, was established 
by the confession of his enemies, and he 
was released; but disgrace had made so 
deep an impression on his mind that he 
sickened and died. This is the subject of 
a tragedy entitled The Tragedy of Philip 
Chabot, etc., by George Chapman and James 
  Chad'hand (The Bev. Mr.), type of a 
canting hypocrite "in the ministry." He 
calls himself "a vessel," is much admired 
by his dupes, and pretends to despise the 
"carnal world," but nevertheless loves 
dearly its "good things," and is most self- 
indulgent.-C. Dickens,Bleak House (1853). 
   Chaffington (Mr. Percy), M.P., a stock- 
broker.-T. M. Morton, If I had a Thou- 
sand a Year. 
   Chalbrook, the giant, the root of the 
race of giants, including Polypheme (3 syl.), 
Goliath, the Titans, Flerabras, Gargantua, 
and closing with Pantag'ruel. He was 
born in the year known for its "week of 
three Thursdays."--Rabelais, Pantagruel, 
ii. (1533). 
   Chal'ybes (3 syl.), a people on the south 
shore of the Black Sea, who occupied them- 
selves in the working of iron. 
                 On the left hand dwell 
     The iron-workers called the Chalyb~s, 
     Of whom beware. 
   E. B. Browning, Prometheus Bound (1850). 
   Chain, the pseudonym of comte Amed6e 
de No6, a peer of France, a great wit, and 
the political caricaturist of Charivari (the 
French Punch). The count was one of the 
founders of the French Republic in 1875. 
As Cham or Ham was the second son and 
scapegrace of Noah, so Amedee was the 
second son and scapegrace of the comte de 
No6 [Noah]. 
  Chain of Literature, (The Great), a 
nickname given to Dr. Samuel Johnson by 
Smollett in a letter to John Wilkes (1709- 
  Chain of Tartary, a corruption of Chan 
or Khan, i.e. "lord or prince," as Hoccota 
Chan. "Ulu Chan" means "great lord," 
"ulu" being equal to the Latin maqnus, 
and " chan " to dominus or imperdtor. Some- 
times the word is joined to the name, as 
Chan-balu, Cara-chan, etc.  The Turks 
have also had their "Sultan Murad chan 
bin Sultan Selim chan," i.e. Sultan Murad 
prince, son of Sultan Selim prince.-Selden, 
Titles of Honor, vi. 66 (1672). 
  Cham'berlain (Matthew), a tapster, the 
successor of Old Roger Raine (1 syl.).- 
Sir W. Scott, Peveril of the Peak (time, 
Charles II.). 
  Chamont, brother of Monimia "the 
orphan," and the troth-plight husband of 
Seri'na (daughter of lord Acasto). He is 
a soldier, so proud and susceptible that he 
is forever taking offence, and setting him-- 
self up as censor or champion. He fancies 
his sister Monim'ia has lost her honor, and