Niebelungen hoard. He is twice van- 
quished by Siegfried, who gets possession 
of his cloak of invisibility, and makes 
himself master of the hoard.-The Niebe- 
lungen Lied (1210). 
  Dwarf Peter, an allegorical romance 
by Ludwick Tieck. The dwarf is a castle 
spectre, who advises and aids the family, 
but all his advice turns out evil, and all his 
aid is productive of trouble. The dwarf 
is meant for "the law in our members, 
which wars against the law of our minds, 
and brings us into captivity to the law of 
  Dwining (Henbane), a pottingar or 
apothecary.-Sir W. Scott, Fair Maid oj 
Perth (time, Henry IV.). 
  Dying Sayings (real or traditional): 
  ADDISON. See how a Christian dies! or See 
in what peace a Christian can die! 
  ANAxAGORAS. Give the boys a holiday. 
  11 ARRiA. My Peatus, it is not painful. 
  f AUGUSTUS. Vos plaudite.  (After asking 
how he had acted his part in life.)-Cicero. 
  BEAUFORT (Cardinal Henry). I pray you all, 
pray for me. 
  BERRY (Mde. de). Is not this dying with 
courage and true greatnes3? 
  BRONTE (the brother of the authoresses). 
While there is life there is will. (He died 
standing.) t 
  BYRON. I must sleep now. 
  ยง CxSAR (Julius). Et tu, Brute! (To Brutus, 
when he stabbed him.) 
  * CHARLEMAGNE.   Lord, into thy hands I 
commend my spirit! 
  CHARLES I. (of England). Remember! (To 
William Juxon, archbishop of Canterbury). 
  CHARLES II. (of England). Don't let poor 
Nellie starve! (Nell Gwynne). 
  CHARLES V. Ah! Jesus! 
  CHARLES IX. (of France). Nurse, nurse, 
what murder! what blood! Oh! I have done 
wrong. God pardon me! 
  CHARLOTTE (The Princess). You make me 
drink. Pray, leave me quiet. I find it. affects 
my head. 
  CHESTERFIELD. Give Day Rolles a chair. 
  * CoLr1mvs. Lord, into Thy hands I com- 
mend my spirit! 
  CROME (John), 0 Hobbima, Hobbima, how I 
do love thee! 
  CROMWELL. My desire is to make what haste 
I may to be gone. 
  t DEMONAX (the philosopher). You may go 
home, the show is over.-Lucian. 
  ELDEN (Lord). It matters not where I am 
going, whether the weather be cold or hot. 
  FONTENELLE. I suffer nothing, but feel a 
sort of difficulty in living longer. 
  FRANELIN. A dying man can do nothing 
  GAINSBOROUGH. We are all going to heaven, 
and Vandyke is of the company. 
  GEORGE IV. Whatty, what is this? It is 
death, my boy. They have deceived me. (Said 
to his page, Sir Wathen Waller). 
  GIBBON. Mon Dieu! Mon Dieu! 
  fl GOETHE. More light! 
  GREGORY VII. I have loved justice and hated 
iniquity, therefore I die in exile. 
  * GREY (Lady Jane). Lord, into thy hands 
I commend my spirit? 
  GROTIUS. Be serious. 
  HADYN. God preserve the emperor! 
  HALLER. The artery ceases to beat. 
  HAZLITT. I have led a happy life. 
  HOBBES. Now am I about to take my last 
voyage-a great leap in the dark. 
  11 HUNTER (Dr. William). If I had strength 
to hold a pen, I would write down how easy and 
pleasant a thing it is to die. 
  IRviNG. If I die, I die unto the Lord. Amen. 
  JAMES V. (of Scotland). It came with a lass, 
and will go with a lass (i. e. the Scotch crown). 
  JEFFERSON (of America). I resign my spirit 
to God, my daughter to my country. 
  JOHNSON (Dr.). God bless you, my dear! (To 
Miss Morris). 
  KNOX. Now it is come. 
  Louis I. Huz! huz! (Bouquet says: "He