verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner 
    and Colman, 1769-74. 
Citizen (The), 1761, Murphy. F. 
Citizen General (The), 1793, Goethe. C. 
City Heiress (The), 1682, Mrs. Behn. C. 
City Madam (The), 1659, Massinger. C. 
City Match, 1639, Mayne. C. 
City Nightcap (The), 1661, R. Davenport. T.C. 
    (a dramatized version of the Curious Imnperti- 
    nent in "Don Quixote," welded on a tale of 
    the "Decameron," day vii., nov. 7). 
City Politics, 1672, Crowne. C. 
City Ramble (The), 1712, Settle. C. 
City Witt (The), 1653, Brome. C. 
City of the Plague, 1816, Wilson. D.Pm. 
Civil Wars of Henry VI., 1724, T. Cibber. H.T. 
Clandestine Marriage, 1766, Colman the Elder 
    and Garrick. C. (based on The False Con- 
    cord, by Townley, 1760). 
Claracilla, 1641, Killigrew. T.C. 
Clari, the Maid of Milan, 1822, Payne. Mu.D. 
    (music by Bishop). 
Clavijo, 1774, Goethe. D. (translated 1798). 
Clementina, 1774, Kelly. T. 
Clemenza di Tito, 1734, Metastasio. 0. (music 
    by Leo). 
Clemenza di Tito, 1754, Gliick. 0. 
Clemenza di Tito, 1791, Mozart. 0. 
Cleomenes, 1692, Dryden and Sothern. 
Cleone, 1740, Dodsley. T. 
Cleonice, 1775, Hoole. T. 
Cleopatra, 1594, Daniel. T. 
Cleopatra, 1639, May. T. 
Cleopatra, 1773, acted 1775, Alfieri. T. (trans- 
    lated by C. Lloyd, 1815). 
Cl6opatre, 1630, Mairet. T. 
Cl~opAtre, 17th cent., Calprenýde. T. (trans- 
    lated by R. Loveday, 1668). 
Cl6opAtre, 1750, Marmontel. T. 
C16opftre, Captive, 1550, Jodelle. T. 
Clifford, 1817, Clifford. T. 
Citandre, 1632, Corneille. 
Closerie des Gen~ts (La), 1846, Souli. D. 
Clotilde, 1832, Souli6. T. 
Clouds (The), B.C., 423, Aristophanes. C. (Greek). 
    Translated by Stanley, 1687; White, 1759; 
    Cumberland, 1797;    Mitchell, 1820-22; 
    Hickie, 1853; Rudd, 1867. 
Clytemnestra, 1823, Beer. T. 
Cobbler's Prophecy (The), 1594, Wilson. D. 
Cocalus, B.c. 387, Aristophanes. C. (Trans- 
    lated by Mitchell, 1820-22; Hickie, 1853; 
    Rudd, 1867.) 
Coc Imaginaire, 1660, Moli~re. 
Ccelum Britannicum, 1633, Carew. M. 
Coffee-house Politicians, 1732, Fielding. C. 
Colinette A la Cour (1774-1826), Gritry. 0. 
Colleen Bawn, 1860, Boucicault. C. 
Columbus, 1798, Morton. H.Pl. 
Combat of Love and Friendship (The), 1654, 
    Mead. C. 
Combat of the Tongue, 1607, Brewer. C. (Crom- 
    well acted the part of Tactus in this 
Com~dienne (La), 1816, Andrieux. C. 
Com6diens (Les), 1819, Delavigne. C. 
Comedy of Errors, 1593, Shakespeare. C. (first 
    mentioned 1598). 
Comical Gallant, 1702, Dennis. C. (This is The 
    Merry Wives of Windsor, by Shakespeare, 
    1596, new set.) 
Comical Hash (The), 1625-1673, Margaret, duch- 
    ess of Newcastle. C. 
Comical History of Don Quixote, in three parts, 
    1694-96, D'Urfey. C. 
Comical Lovers (The), 1671-1757, C. Cibber. C. 
Comical Revenge, or Love in a Tub, 1664, Ethe- 
    rege. C. 
Commissary (The), 1765, Foote. F. 
Committee (The), 1670, Howard.    C.   (See 
    "Honest Thieves.") 
Common Conditions, 1576, * C. 
Commonwealth of Women (The), 1686, D'Urfey. 
    T.C. (based on Fletcher's Sea Voyage). 
Complaint of Rosamond (1562-1619), Daniel. T. 
Comte d'Ory (Le), 1828, Scribe. C. 
Comtesse d'Escarbagnas, 1672, Molire. C. 
Comus, 1634, Milton. M. (music by Lewes). 
Comus, 1738, Arne. 0. 
Confederacy (The), 1705, Vanbrugh. C. 
Confederates (The), 1717, Jos. Gay. F. 
Confederates (The), about 1720, Breval. Sat.D. 
Conflict of Conscience, 1581, Woodes. Mo. 
Conquest of China, 1676, Settle. T. 
Conquest of Granada, 1672, Dryden. T. 
Conrad, 1772, Magnocavallo. Pr.T. 
Conscience, or The Bridal Night, 1823. Haynes. 
Conscious Lovers (The), 1722, Steele. C. 
Conseiller Rapporteur (Le), 1841, Delavigne. C. 
Conspiracy (The), 1638, H. Killigrew. T. 
Conspiracy (The), 1796, Jephson. T. (Metas- 
    tasio's Clernenza di Tito). 
Conspiracy of Brutus, 1691, Antoni. T. (See 
    "Julius Coosar.") 
Conspiracy of the Pazzi, 1783, Alfieri. T. 
    (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). 
Constant Couple (The), 1700, Farquhar. C. 
Constant Maid (The), 1640, Shirley. C. (altered 
    into Love will find out a Way, 1661). 
Contention (The), 1640, Shirley. C. 
Contention between Liberality and Prodigality, 
    1602 (?) Greene. Mo. 