Nit, one of the attendants of Queen 
      Hop, and Mop, and Drap so clear, 
      Pip, and Trip, and Skip, that were 
      To Mab their sovereign dear- 
        Her special maids of honor. 
      Fib, and Tib, and Pinek, and Pin, 
      Tick, and Quick, and Jil, and Jin, 
      Tit, and Nit, and Wap, and Win- 
        The train that wait upon her. 
          Drayton, NYymphidia (1563-1631). 
  Nitehs, daughter of Amases, king of 
Egypt. She was sent to Persia to become 
the wife of Cambyses.-Georg Ebers, An 
Egyptian Princess. 
  Nixon (Christal), agent to Mr. Edward 
Redgauntlet, the Jacobite.-Sir W. Scott, 
Bedgauntlet (time, George III.). 
  Nixon (Martha), the old nurse of the 
earl of Oxford.-Sir W. Scott, Anne of 
Geierstein (time, Edward IV.). 
  No One (Ocesar or). Julius Caesar said, 
"Aut Coesar aut nullus." And again, "I 
would sooner be first in a village than sec- 
ond at Rome." 
  Milton makes Satan say, "Better to 
reign in hell than serve in heaven." 
  Jonathan Wild used to say, "I'd rather 
stand on the top of a dunghill than at the 
bottom of a hill in paradise." 
  Tennyson says, "All in all or not at 
all."-Idylls (" Vivien"). 
  "Six thrice or three dice" (aces were 
called dice, and did not count). 
  No Song no Supper, a musical drama 
by Prince Hoare, F.S.A. (1790). Crop, 
the farmer, has married a second wife 
called Dorothy, who has an amiable weak- 
ness for a rascally lawyer named Endless. 
During the absence of her husband, Dor- 
othy provides a supper for Endless, con- 
sisting of roast lamb and a cake; but just 
as the lawyer sits down to it, Crop, with 
Margaretta, knocks at the door. Endless 
is concealed in a sack, and the supper is 
carried away. Presently Robin, the sweet- 
heart of Margaretta, arrives, and Crop re- 
grets there is nothing but bread and cheese 
to offer him. Margaretta now volunteers 
a song, the first verse of which tells Crop 
there is roast lamb in the house, which is 
accordingly produced; the second verse 
tells him there is a cake, which is produced 
also; and the third verse tells him that 
Endless is concealed in a sack. Had there 
been no song there would have been no 
supper, but the song produced the roast 
lamb and new cake. 
  Noah's Wife, Wafila (3 syl.), who en- 
deavored to persuade the people that her 
husband was distraught. 
  The wife of Noah [Wd67a] and the wife of 
Lot [Wdhela] were both unbelievers . . . and 
deceived their husbands ... and it shall be 
said to them at the last day, "Enter ye into hell 
fire."--Sale, Al Kordn, lxvi. 
  Nobbs, the horse of "Dr. Dove of Don- 
caster."-Southey, The Doctor (1834). 
  Noble (The), Charles III. of Navarre 
(1361, 1387-1425). 
  Soliman, Tchelibi, the Turk (died 1410). 
  ** Khosrou or Chosrois I. was called 
"The Noble Soul" (*, 531-579). 
  Nodel, the lion, in the beast-epic called 
Reynard the Fox. Nodel, the lion, repre- 
sents the regal element of Germany; Isen- 
grin, the wolf, represents the baronial ele- 
ment; and Reynard, the fox, the Church 
element (1498). 
  Noel (Eusebe), schoolmaster of Bout du 
Monde. "His clothes are old and worn, 