Hutchinson (Thomas), born at Boston, 1711- 
   Collection of Original Papers relative to the 
     History of the Colony of Massachusetts, 
   History of the Colony of Massachusetts, 1760- 
 Hutchinson (Thomas Joseph), born at Stony- 
     ford, in Ireland, 1820-1885. 
   Buenos Ayres and Argentine Gleanings, 1865. 
   Impressions of Western Africa, 1858. 
   Narrative of Niger Tshadda Binue Explora- 
     tion, 1855. 
   Parana and South America Recollections, 
  Ten Years' Wanderings among the Ethio- 
    pians, 1861. 
  Two Years in Peru, 1874. 
Huxley (Thomas Henry), born at Ealing, in 
    Middlesex, 1825- 
  American Addresses, with a Lecture on Biol- 
    ogy, 1877. 
  Critiques and Addresses, 1873. 
  Elementary Biology, 1875. 
  Hume, 1879. 
  Introduction to the Classification of Animals, 
  Lay Sermons, etc., 1870. 
  Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, 1864. 
  Lessons in Elementary Physiology, 1866. 
  Man's Place in Nature, 1863. 
  Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Ani- 
    mals, 1871. 
  Observations on the Glaciers, 1857. 
  Oceanic Hydrozoa, 1859. 
  On the Theory of the Vertebrate Skull, 1858. 
  Physiology, etc., 1877. 
Inchbald (Mrs.), born near Bury St. Edmunds, 
    in Suffolk, 1753-1821. 
  Nature and Art, 1796. 
  Simple Story, 1791. 
  ** For her plays, see APPENDIX III. 
Ingelow (Jean), born at Boston, Lincolnshire, 
  Allerton and Dreux, 1851. 
  Deborah's Book, etc., 1867. 
  Don John, 1881. 
  Fated to be Free, 1875. 
  Golden Opportunity (The), 1867. 
  Grandmother's Shoe (The), 1867. 
  Life of John Smith, 1867. 
  Little Wonder-horn (The), 1872. 
  Minnows with Silver Tails, 1867. 
  Moorish Gold, and the One-eyed Servant, 1867. 
  Mopsa, the Fairy, 1869. 
   Off the Skelligs, 1873. 
   Poems, 1863, 1867, 1880. 
   Rhyming Chronicle of Incidents and Feelings, 
   Round of Days (The), 1861. 
   Sarah de Berenger, 1879. 
   Sister's Bye-hours (A), 1868. 
   Stories told to a Child, 1865. 
   Story of Doom, and other Poems, 1867. 
   Studies for Stories, 1872. 
   Suspicious Jackdaw (The), 1867. 
   Tales of Orris, 1860. 
   Two Ways of telling a Story, 1867. 
   Wild Duck Shooter (The), etc., 1867. 
 Ingram (John H.), London, 1849- 
   Memoirs of Poe, 1874, 1877. 
 Ireland (William Henry), 1777-1835. 
   Authentic ' Account of the Shakespearian 
     MSS., 1796. 
   Confessions relative to the Shakespeare Pa- 
     pers, 1805. 
   Miscellaneous Papers under the Hand and 
     Seal of W. Shakespeare, including the 
     Tragedy of King Lear, etc., 1796. 
   Vortigern (an historical play . . . attributed 
     by him to Shakespeare),, 1796; printed 
 Irving (Washington), born at New York, 1783- 
   Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey, 1835. 
   Adventures of Captain Bonneville, 1837. 
   Astoria, 1836. 
   Bracebridge Hall, 1822. 
   Conquest of Granada, 1829. 
   Crayon Miscellany, 1835. 
   History of New York, by Diedrick Knick- 
     bocker, 1809. 
   Legends of the Conquest of Spain, 1835. 
   Life and Voyages of Columbus, 1828. 
   Life of Oliver Goldsmith, 1849. 
   Life of Washington, 1855-59. 
   Mahomet and his Successors, 1849-50. 
   Salmagundi, 1807-8. 
   Sketch-book (The), 1820. 
   Tales of the Alhambra, 1832. 
   Tales of a Traveller, 1824. 
   Wolfert's Roost, 1839-40. 
James I., born in Edinburgh Castle, 1566- 
  Basilikon Doron, 1599. 
  Counterblaste to Tobacco, 1604. 
James (George Payne Rainsford), London, 
  Agincourt, 1844. 
  Agnes Sorel, 1853.