Coverdale (Miles), bishop of Exeter, born at 
    Coverham, in Yorkshire, 1487-1568. 
    Cranmer's (or the Great) Bible, 1539. 
  Translation of the Bible, 1535. 
Cowper (William), born at Great Berkhamp- 
    stead, in Hertford, 1731-1800. 
  John Gilpin, 1782. 
  Miscellaneous Poems, 1793. 
  On the Receipt of My Mother's Picture, 
  Table Talk, 1781; published 1782. 
  Task (The), in six books, 1783-85. 
Cox (Rev. Sir George William), 1827- 
  Crusades (The), 1874. 
  History of Greece (A), 1874. 
  Great Persian War (The), 1861. 
  Introduction to the Science of Comparative 
    Mythology and Folk Lore, 1881. 
  Mythology of the Aryan Nations (The), 1870. 
  Poems, Legendary and Historical, 1850. 
  Tales of Ancient Greece, 1868, 1877. 
  Tales of Thebes and Argos, 1863. 
  Tales of the Gods and Heroes, 1862. 
Cox (Samuel Sullivan), born at Zanesville, 
    Ohio, 1824-1889. 
  Buckeye Abroad (The), 1852. 
  Eight Years in Congress, 1865. 
  Search for Winter Sunbeams, 1870. 
Coxe (Rev. Arthur Cleveland), born at Mend- 
    ham,. New Jersey, 1818-. 
  Advent, a Mystery, 1837. 
  Athanasion, and other Poems, 1842. 
  Athwold, 1838. (Recast and reproduced under 
    the title of "The Ladye Chase.") 
  Christian Ballads, 1840. 
  Halloween, 1844. 
  Saul, a Mystery, 1845. 
Craik (George Lillie), of Fifeshire, Scotland, 
  Bacon, his Writings and Philosophy, 1846-47. 
  English of Shakespeare (The), 1857. 
  History of British Commerce, 1844. 
  Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, 1831. 
  Romance of the Peerage, 1848-50. 
  Outlines of the History of the English Lan- 
    guage, 1855. 
  Sketches of the History of Literature and 
    Learning in England, 1844-45. 
  Spenser and his Poetry, 1845. 
Craik (Mrs. Dinah Maria Mulock), born at Stoke- 
    upon-Trent, in Staffordshire, 1826-1887. 
  Agatha's Husband, 1852. 
  Avilion, and other Tales, 1854. 
  Christian's Mistake, 1865. 
  Hannah, 1871. 
  Head of the Family (The), 1851. 
   John Halifax, Gentleman, 1857. 
   Laurel Bush (The), 1877. 
   Legacy (A), 1878. 
   Life for a Life (A), 1859. 
   Mistress and Maid, 1863. 
   Noble Life (A), 1866. 
   Ogilvies (The), 1849. 
   Olive, 1850. 
   Poems, 1872. 
   Sermons out of Church, 1875. 
   Studies from Life, 1869. 
   Woman's Kingdom (The), 1870. 
Creasy (Sir Edward Shepherd), born at Bexley, 
    in Kent, 1812-1878. 
  Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World (The), 
Croly (Rev. George), born at Dublin, 1780- 
  Salathiel, 1827. 
Crosby (Howard), born in New York, 1826- 
  Lands of the Moslem, 1850. 
  Life of Christ, 1871. 
  Notes on the New Testament, 1861. 
  Crowe (Mrs.), born at Borough Green, in Kent, 
  Night Side of Nature (ghost stories), 1848. 
Crowe (Joseph Arthur), London, 1825- 
  Early Flemish Painters, 1857, 1872. 
  History of Painting in Italy, 1864. 
  History of Painting in North Italy, 1871. 
  Life of Titian, 1877. 
Cruden (Alexander), of Aberdeen, 1700-1770. 
  Concordance of the Holy Scriptures, 1737. 
  Scripture Dictionary, 1770. 
Cumming (Roualeyn George Gordon), born in 
    Scotland, 1820-1866. 
  Hunter's Life in South Africa (A), 1850. 
Cunningham (Alexander), born at Ettrick, in 
    Scotland, 1654-1737. 
  History of Great Britain, etc., 1787. 
Cunningham (Allan), born at Blackwood, in 
    Scotland, 1785-1842. 
  Lives of British Painters, Sculptors, and Ar- 
    chitects, 1829-33. 
Curtis (George Ticknor), born at Watertown, in 
    Massachusetts, 1812- 
  History of the Origin, Formation, and Adop- 
    tion of the Constitution of the United 
    States, 1855-58. 
  Life of Daniel Webster, 1855-58. 
Curtis (George William), born at Providence, 
    in Rhode Island, 1824- 
  Howadji in Syria, 1852. 
  Lotus Eaters, 1852. 
  Nile Notes of a Howadji, 1850.