Douglas, divided into The Black Doug- 
lases and The Red Douglases. 
  1. THE BLACK DOUGLASES (or senior 
branch).  Each of these is called "The 
Black Douglas." 
  The Hardy, William de Douglas, de- 
fender of Berwick (died 1302). 
  The Good Sir James, eldest son of "The 
Hardy." Friend of Bruce. Killed by the 
Moors in Spain (1330). 
  England's Scourge and Scotland's Bul- 
wark, William Douglas, knight of Liddes- 
dale. Taken at Neville's Cross, and killed 
by William, first earl of Douglas, in 1353. 
  The Flower of Chivalry, William   de 
Douglas, natural son of "The Good Sir 
James" (died 1384). 
  James second earl of Douglas overthrew 
Hotspur. Died at Otterburn, 1388. This 
is the Douglas of the old ballad of Chevy 
  Archibald the Grimt, Archibald Doug- 
las, natural son of "The Good Sir James." 
  The Black Douglas,William, lord of Niths- 
dale (murdered by the earl of Clifford, 1390). 
  Tineman (the loser), Archibald, fourth 
earl, who lost the battles of Homildon, 
Shrewsbury, and Verneuil, in the last of 
which he was killed (1424). 
  William Douglas, eighth earl, stabbed by 
James II., and then despatched with a bat- 
tle-axe by Sir Patrick Gray, at Stirling, 
February 13, 1452. Sir Walter Scott al- 
ludes to this in The Lady of the Lake. 
  James Douglas, ninth and last earl (died 
1488).  With him    the  senior branch 
  II. THE RED DOUGLASES, a collateral 
  Bell-the-Cat, the great earl of Angus. 
He is introduced by Scott in Marmion. 
His two sons fell in the battle of Flodden 
Field. He died in a monastery, 1514. 
  Archibald Douglas, sixth earl of Angus, 
and grandson of "Bell-the-Cat." James 
Bothwell, one of the family, forms the 
most interesting part of Scott's Lady of 
the Lake. He was the grandfather of Darn- 
ley, husband of Mary Queen of Scots. He 
died 1560. 
  James Douglas, earl of Morton, younger 
brother of the seventh earl of Angus. He 
took part in the murder of Rizzio, and 
was executed by the instrument called 
"the maiden" (1530-1581). 
  The "Black Douglas," introduced by 
Sir W. Scott in Castle Dangerous, is "The 
Gud schyr James." This was also the 
Douglas which was such a terror to the 
English that the women used to frighten 
their unruly children by saying they 
would "make the Black Douglas take 
them." He first appears in Castle Danger- 
ous as "Knight of the tomb." The follow- 
ing nursery rhyme refers to him:- 
     Hush ye, hush ye, little pet ye; 
     Hush ye, hush ye, do not fret ye; 
     The Black Douglas shall not get thee. 
     Sir W. Scott, Tales of a Grandfather, i. 6. 
  Douglas, a tragedy by J. Home (1757). 
Young Norval, having saved the life of 
Lord Randolph, is given a commission in 
the army. Lady Randolph hears of the 
exploit, and discovers that the youth is 
her own son by her first husband, Lord 
Douglas. Glenalvon, who hates the new 
favorite, persuades Lord Randolph that 
his wife is too intimate with the young 
upstart, and the two surprise them in 
familiar intercourse in a wood.    The 
youth, being attacked, slays Glenalvon, 
but is in turn slain by Lord Randolph, 
who then learns that the young man was 
Lady Randolph's son. Lady Randolph, 
in distraction, rushes up a precipice and 
throws herself down headlong, and Lord 
Randolph goes to the war then raging be- 
tween Scotland and Denmark. 