Doran (John), 1807-1878. 
  Monarchs Retired from Business, 1857. 
Drake (Samuel), born at Pittsfield, New Hamp- 
    shire, 1798-1875. 
  Book of the Indians, 1833. 
  History of Boston, 1852. 
Draper (John William), born at St. Helen's, 
    near Liverpool, 1811-1882. 
  Forces which Produce the Organization of 
    Plants (The), 1844. 
  History of the American Civil War, 1867- 
  History of the Conflict between Religion and 
    Science, 1874. 
  History of the Intellectual Development of 
    Europe, 1862. 
  Thoughts on the Future Policy of America, 
Drayton (Michael), born at Hartshill, in War- 
    wickshire, 1563-1631. 
  Barons' Wars (The), 1596. 
  Nymphidia, or the Court of Fairy, 1627. 
  Polyolbion, songs i.-x., 1612; xi.-xviii., 1613; 
    xix.-xxx., 1622. 
Dryden (John), born at Aldwinkle, in North- 
    amptonshire, 1631-1701. 
  Absalom and Achitophel, part i., 1681; part 
    ii., 1682. 
  Alexander's Feast, 1697. 
  Annus Mirabilis, 1667. 
  Astrwa Redux, 1660. 
  Britannia Rediviva, 1689. 
  Cromwell (Death of), an elegy, 1658. 
  Fables, 1698-1700. 
  Hind and the Panther (The), 1687. 
  Lord Hastings (An Elegy on). 
  MacFlecknoe, 1682. 
  Medal (The), 1681. 
  Ovid's Epistles translated, 1679. 
  Religio Laici, 1682. 
  Song of St. Cecilia, 1687. 
  Virgil translated, 1694-96. 
  Essay on Dramatic Poets, 1667. 
  Essay on Heroic Plays, 1672. 
  *** For his 28 dramas, see APPENDIX III. 
Duffy (Sir Charles Gavan), born in Monaghan, 
    Ireland, 1816- 
  Ballad Poetry of Ireland, 1870. 
Dwight (Timothy), born in Massachusetts, 1752- 
  Conquest of Canaan, 1785. 
  Sermons, 1828. 
  Theology explained and defended (173 ser- 
    mons), 1819. 
  Travels in New England and New York, 
Edgeworth (Maria), born at Hare-hatch, in 
    Berkshire, 1767-1849. 
  Belinda, 1803. 
  Castle Rackrent, 1801. 
  Early Lessons, 1801. 
  Essays on Practical Education, 1798. 
  Harrington and Ormond, 1817. 
  Helen, 1834. 
  Irish Bulls (An Essay on), 1801, 
  Leonora, 1806. 
  Moral Tales, 1806. 
  Popular Tales, 1804. 
  Practical Education, 1798. 
  Tales and Novels, 1812. 
  Tales of Fashionable Life, 1809, 1812. 
Edwards (Mrs. Annie), - 
  Archie Lovell, 1866. 
  Blue Stocking (The), 1877. 
  Creeds, 1859. 
  Jet, 1878. 
  Leah, 1875. 
  May Fair, 1858. 
  Miss Forrester, 1865. 
  Ordeal for Wives, 1865. 
  Ought we to Visit Her? 1871. 
  Point of Honor (A). 
  Steven Lawrence, 1868. 
  Susan Fielding, 1869. 
  Vagabond Heroine, 1873. 
  Vivian the Beauty, 1879. 
  World's Verdict (The), 1861. 
Edwards (Amelia Blandford), 1831-1892. 
  Barbara's History, 1864. 
  Debenham's Vow, 1870. 
  Half a Million of Money, 1865. 
  Hand and Glove, 1859. 
  In the Days of my Youth, 1873. 
  Miss Carew (short tales), 1865. 
  Mons. Maurice, 1873. 
  My Brother's Wife, 1855. 
  Thousand Miles up the Nile (A), 1877. 
  Untrodden Peaks, etc., 1873. 
Edwards (Edward), London, 1812- 
  Economy of the Fine Arts in England, 1840. 
  Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1868. 
Edwards (Jonathan), born at Windsor, Con- 
    necticut, 1703-1758. 
  Doctrine of Original Sin, 1758. 
  Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will, 1754. 
  Treatise Concerning Religious Affections, 
  Works, including Sermons and Life (in 10 
    vols.), 1830. 
Egan (Pierce), of Ireland, 1772-1849. 
  Anecdotes of the Turf, etc., 1827. 
  Book of Sports and Mirror of Life, 1832. 