Mortomley's Estate, 1874. 
  Premie Keller. 
  Race for Wealth (The). 
  Too Much alone. 
Robertson (William), born at Bothwick, in 
    Scotland, 1721-1793. 
  History of America, 1777, 1788. 
  History of Charles V., 1769. 
  History of Scotland, 1759, 1787. 
Robinson (Henry Crabb), born at Bury St. 
    Edmunds, in Suffolk, 1775-1867. 
  Diary and Correspondence, 1869. 
Rogers (Samuel), London, 1763-1855. 
  Italy, 1822. 
  Pleasures of Memory, 1792. 
  Recollections, 1859. 
  Table Talk, 1856, 1859. 
Roget (Peter Mark), London, 1779-1869. 
  Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, 
Rossetti (Christina Georgina), London, 1830- 
  Annus Domini, 1874. 
  Commonplace, and other Short Stories, 1870. 
  Goblin Market, and other Poems, 1862. 
  Pageant (A), and other Poems, 1881. 
  Poems, 1875. 
  Prince's Progress (The), and other Poems, 
  Seek and Find, 1879. 
  Singsong, 1872. 
  Speaking Likenesses, 1874. 
Rossetti (Dante Gabriel), London, 1828-1882. 
  Dante and his Circle, 1873; the same as-- 
  Early Italian Poets (The), 1861. 
  Poems, 1870. 
Rossetti (Maria Francesca), London, 1827- 
  Shadow of Dante (The), 1871. 
Rossetti (William Michael), London, 1829- 
  Criticisms on Swinburne, 1866. 
  Dante's Hell translated into English, 1865. 
  Fine Arts, 1867. 
  Lives of Famous Poets, 1878. 
  Memoir of Shelley, 1870. 
Ruskin (John), London, 1819- 
  Aratra Pentilici, 1872. 
  Cambridge School of Art (The), 1858. 
  Crown of Wild Olive (The), 1866. 
  Decoration and Manufacture, 1859. 
  Deucalion, 1876. 
  Eagle's Nest (The), 1872. 
  Elements of Perspective, 1859. 
  Ethics of the Dust, 1863. 
  Frondes Agrestes, 1875. 
  Giotto and his Works, 1855. 
  Harbors of England, 1856. 
  King of the Golden River, 1851. 
  King's Treasures and Queen's Gardens, 1865. 
  Laws of F6sole, 1877. 
  Lectures on Architecture and Painting, 1854. 
  Lectures on Art, 1859. 
  Lectures on the Political Economy of Art, 
  Love's Meinie, 1873. 
  Mlichael Angelo and Tintoret, 1872. 
  Modern Painters, 1843-46, 1860. 
  Mornings in Florence, 1877. 
  On the Nature of Gothic Architecture, 1853. 
  Pre-Raphaelism, 1850. 
  Proserpina, 1875-76. 
  Queen of the Air, etc., 1867. 
  Sesame and Lilies, 1864. 
  Seven Lamps of Architecture (The), 1849. 
  Stones of Venice, 1851-53. 
  Study of Architecture in Schools, 1865. 
  Time and Tide, etc., 1868- 
  Two Paths, 1854. 
  Unto this Last, 1862. 
  Val d'Arno, 1874. 
Russell (William Howard), born at Lily Vale, 
    in Dublin, Ireland, 1821- 
  Canada, its Defences, Conditions, etc., 1865. 
  Diary in the East, 1869. 
  Diary in the Last Great War, 1873. 
  Diary in India, 1860. 
  Diary, North and South, 1863. 
  Letters from the Crimea, 1855-56. 
  Prince of Wales's Tour in India, 1877. 
Saxe (John Godfrey), 1816-1887. 
  Clever Stories of Many Nations, 1864. 
  Flying Dutchman (The), 1862. 
  Masquerade (The), and other Poems, 1866. 
  Leisure Day Rhymes, 1875. 
Schaff (Philip), born at Chur, in Switzerland, 
  Political, Social and Religious Condition of 
    the United States, 1855. 
  What is Church History? 1846. 
Scott (Michael), born at Glasgow, in Scotland, 
  Cruise of the Midge. 
  Tom Cringle's Log. 
Scott (Rev. Thomas), born at Braytoft, in Lin- 
    colnshire, 1747-1821. 
  Commentary on the Bible, 1796. 
Scott (Sir Walter), born at Edinburgh, 1771- 
  Abbot (The), 1820; time, Elizabeth. 
  Anne of Geierstein, 1829; time, Edward IV. 
  Antiquary (The), 1816; time, George III. 
  Aunt Margaret's Mirror; time, William I1. 