Donna Clara and Almanzor 
It -N the Castle Alcolea 
  J   Mirth and music cease their ringing; 
      Lords and ladies are departed, 
And the tapers are extinguished. 
Donna Clara and Alman~or 
Only they alone still linger; 
On them shines a single taper, 
With its light well-nigh extinguished. 
On her chair the dame is seated, 
On her footstool he is do;ing; 
Till his head, with slumber weary, 
On the knees he loves reposes. 
Now she pours attar of roses 
Cautiously, from golden vial, 
On the brown locks of Almanzor, 
And she hears him deeply sighing. 
And he dreams again be 's standing 
In the minster at Cordova, 
Bending with his brown locks dropping, 
Gloomy voices murmuring o'er him." 
  Heine's "Almanzor" (Translated by C. G. Leland).