Montrose (1782-1835), Pocock. 
Monument of Honor (The), 1624, Webster. 
Moonstone (The), 1877, Wilkie Collins (his novel 
Morando, 1584, Greene. 
More Dissemblers besides Women, 1657, Middle- 
    ton. C. 
More Ways than One, 1785, Mrs. Cowley. C. 
Mort d'Abel, 1792, Legouv6. T. (imitated from 
    Gesser and Klopstoek). 
Mort de Calas, 1791, Ch~nier. T. 
Mort de Henri IV., 1806, Legouv6. T. 
Mostellaria, or The Haunted House (B.c. 254- 
    184), Plautus. C. (Latin). Translated into 
    blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, 
    Warner and Colman, 1769-74; and imi- 
    tated by Regnard, Addison and others. 
Mother Bombie, 1594, J. Lyly. Ct.E. 
Mother Goose (1771-1841), Dibdin. Pn. 
Mother Pantom 1771-1841), Dibdin. C. 
Mother Shipton (no date), about 1670, Thomp- 
    son. C. 
Mount Sinai, 1831, Neukomm. Or. 
Mountain Sylph (The), 1834, Barnett. 0. 
Mountaineers (The), 1793, Colman. C. 
Mourning Bride, 1697, Congreve. T. 
Mousquetaires (Les), 19th cent,, Haltvy. O.C. 
M.P., 1870, T. W. Robertson. C. 
M.P., or The Blue Stocking, 1811, Moore. 
Mucedorus (no (date), about 1590, Greene. F. 
Much Ado about Nothing, 1600, Shakespeare. C. 
Muet (Le), 1691, De Brueys. C. 
Muette de la F~ret, 1828, Antier. 
Muette de Portici (La). (See "Masaniello.") 
Mulberry Garden (The), 1668, Sedley. P1. 
Murderous Michael, 1578, Anon. T. 
Muse in Livery, 1732, Dodsley. C. 
Muses in Mourning, 1749, Hill. C. 
Muses' Looking-Glass (The), 1638, Randolph. C. 
Mustapha, 1609, F. Greville, Lord Brooke. T. 
Mustapha, 1739, Mallet. P1. 
Mutius Scevola, 1801, Ireland. H.D. 
Mutual Deception, 1795, Atkinson. C. (altered 
    by Colman into Tit for Tat). 
My Awful Dad (1803-1878), C. J. Mathews. 
My Grandmother and Other Fairies (1755-1834), 
My Lord and My Lady, 1861, Planch6. 
My Spouse and I (1771-1841), Dibdin. O.F. 
My Wife's Daughter (1805-1868), Coyne. 
My Wife's Mother (1803-1878), C. J. Mathews. 
Myrrha, 1783, Alfieri. T. (Translated by C. 
    Lloyd, 1815). 
Myst~res d'Udolphe (Les), 1798, Guilbert de 
    Pixtr6court. Mel. 
Mysterious Husband (The), 1783, Cumberland. C. 
Mysterious Mother, 1768, Walpole. T. 
Naaman, 1864, Costa. Or. 
Nabob (The), 1772, Foote. F. 
Nabob (The), 1879, Burnard (an English version 
    of Les Trente Millions de Gladiateurs, by 
    Labiche and Gille). 
Nabucco, 1842, Verdi. 0. 
Nabucodonosor, 19th cent., Verdi. 0. 
Nancy, 1739, Carey. 
Nanine, 1749, Voltaire. C. 
Narbonne. (See "Count of Narbonne.") 
Nathan the Wise, 1778, Lessing. D. 
Nations (Les), 1851, Banville. 0. 
Native Land, 1823, Bishop. 0. 
Natural Daughter (The), 1792, Goethe. C. 
Natural Son (The), 1786, Cumberland. C. (See 
    " Fils Natural.") 
Natural Son (The), 1799, Anne Plumtree. P1. 
    (from Kotzebue). 
Nature, 1490, H. Medwell. Int. 
Naufragium Joculare, 1638, Cowley. C. (trans- 
    lated by C. Johnson, and called Fortune in 
    her Wits, 1705). 
Neck or Nothing, 1766, Garrick qr King (as- 
    cribed to both). F. 
Ne'er-do-Weel (The), 1878, Gilbert. C. 
Negro Slaves, 1796. H.Pc. (from Kotzebue). 
Nell (1830-1877), Halliday. C. 
Nell Gwynne, 1832, Jerrold. C. 
Nero, 1675, Lee. T. 
Nerone, 1700, Handel. 0. 
Nervous Man, 19th cent., B. Bernard. C. 
Nest of Ninnies (A), 1608, Armyn. C. 
Never too Late, 1590, Greene. C. 
Never too Late to Mend (It's), 1878, Reade. C. 
New Academy (The), 1653, Brome. C. 
New Droll (A), 1660, Jordan. M. 
New Hippocrates (The), 1761, Hiffernan. D. 
New Inn (The), 1630, Jonson. C. 
New Men and Old Acres (1817-1880), T. Tay- 
    lor. C. 
New Peerage (The), 1830, Miss Lee. C. 
New Tricke to Cheat the Divell, 1639, R. Daven- 
    port. C. 
New Way to Pay Old Debts, 1625, printed 1633, 
    Massinger. C. 
New Wonder, a Woman Never Vext, 1532, Row- 
    ley. C. 
Nice Firm (A), 19th cent., Tom Taylor. 
Nice Valour. 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. 
Nice Wanton (The), 1560, Anon. Mo. 
Nicholas Flare, 19th cent., Buckstone. 
Nicholas Nickleby (1830-1877), Halliday (C. 
    Dickens's novel dramatized). 