Spurgeon (Rev. 'Charles Haddon), born at 
    Kelvedon, in Essex, 1834- 
  Comments and Commentaries, 1876. 
  Evening by Evening, 1868. 
  Feathers for Arrows, 1870. 
  Flashes of Thought, 1874. 
  Gleanings among the Sheaves, 1859. 
  Interpreter (The), 1873. 
  John Ploughman's Pictures, 1881. 
  John Ploughman's Talk, 1869. 
  Lectures to my Students, 1875, 1877. 
  Memorial Volume, 1879. 
  Metropolitan Tabernacle (The), its History 
    and Work, 1875. 
  Morning by Morning, 1865. 
  Our Own Hymn-book, 1866. 
  Saint and his Saviour (The), 1857. 
  Smooth Stones. 
  Speeches, 1878. 
  Spurgeon's Gems, 1859. 
  Treasury of David (The), 1869-78. 
  Trumpet Calls, etc., 1875. 
  Types and Emblems, 1873. 
Stanley (Arthur Penrhyn), born at Alderley, 
    in Cheshire, 1815-1881. 
  Athanasian Creed (The), 1871. 
  Christian Institutions, 1881. 
  Epistles to the Corinthians (The), 1854. 
  Essays on Church and State, 1870. 
  Historical Memorials of Canterbury, 1854. 
  Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey, 
  History of the Eastern Church, 1861. 
  History of the Jewish Church, 1863, 1865. 
  Lectures on the Church of Scotland, 1872. 
  Life of Dr. Arnold, 1844. 
  Life of Bishop Stanley (his father), 1850. 
  Life of Edward    and  Catherine Stanley, 
  Sermons Preached before the University of 
    Oxford, 1860-63. 
  Sermons Preached in the East, 1862. 
  Sinai and Palestine, 1855. 
Stanley (Henry M.), born at Denbigh, in Wales, 
  Coomassie and Magdala. 
  How I found Livingstone, 1872. 
  My Kalulu; Prince, King and Slave (a story). 
  Through the Dark Continent, etc., 1878. 
Stedman (Edmund Clarence), born at Hart- 
    ford, Conn., 1833- 
  Alice of Monmouth, and other Poems, 1864. 
  Blameless Prince (The), and other Poems, 
  Hawthorne, and other Poems, 1877. 
  Lyrics and Idylls, 1860. 
  Poetical Works, 1874. 
  Victorian Poets (The), 1875. 
Steele (Sir Richard), born in Dublin, 1671-1729. 
  Christian Hero (The), 1701. 
  Crisis (The), 1714. 
  Poetical Miscellanies, 1694. 
    *** Began the Tatler, 1709; the Spectator 
  (with Addison), 1711; the Guardian, 1713; 
  and the Englishman, 1713. 
Sterne (Rev. Laurence), born at Clonmel, in 
    Ireland, 1713-1768. 
  History of a Warm Watehcoat, 1769. 
  Letters, 1775, 1788, 1844. 
  Sentimental Journey, 1768. 
  Sermons of Mr. Yorick, 1760, 1766, 1769. 
  Tristram Shandy, Gent., 1759-67. 
Still (John), bishop of Bath and Wells, 1543- 
  Gammer Gurton's Needle, printed 1575. 
Stoddard (Richard Henry), born at Hingham, 
  Adventures in Fairyland, 1853. 
  Book of the East, and other Poems, 1871. 
  Children in the Wood, 1866. 
  Female Poets of America, 1874. 
  Footprints, 1849. 
  King's Bell (The), 1863. 
  Late English Poets, 1865. 
  Life of Alexander von Humboldt, 1859. 
  Loves and Heroines of the Poets, 1860. 
  Melodies and Madrigals, 1865. 
  Memoir of Edgar Allan Poe, 1875. 
  Poems, 1852. 
  Poets and Poetry of England, 1875. 
  Putnam the Brave, 1869. 
  Songs of Summer, 1857. 
  Story of Little Red Riding Hood, 1864. 
  Town and Country, 1857. 
  Under Green Leaves, 1865. 
Stoddard (Mrs. Richard Henry), 1823- 
  Morgesons (The), 1862. 
  Temple House, 1867. 
  Two Men, 1865. 
Story (Joseph), born at Marblehead, 1779-1845. 
  Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, 1834. 
  Commentaries on the the Constitution of the 
    United States, 1833. 
  Power of Solitude (The), and other Poems, 
    *** Many other legal "Commentaries." 
Story (William Wetmore), born at Salem, 1819- 
  American Question (The), 1862. 
  Graffiti d'Italia, 1869. 
  Life of Joseph Story (his father), 1851. 
  Nero, 1875. 
  Poems, 1847. 