Pizarro Before Charles V 
                                       A. Closs, Engrraver 
FRANCISCO PIZARRO, the conqueror of Peru, 
        was born in Spain about 1475.    In 1522 be be- 
        came a captain, and organized an expedition to 
explore and conquer the country south of Darien. His first 
effort was a failure, but his success was greater in 1526. 
Still, he was not satisfied, and it was only after visiting 
Spain to state his case and to display his trophies to the king, 
that be obtained means to collect a larger force. He con- 
quered Peru, obtained the Inca's treasure as a ransom and 
then murdered him. In 1541 Pi~arro was assassinated by 
some of his followers. 
                          Prescott's "Conquest of Peru."