Patmore (Coventry Kearsay Deighton), born at 
    Woodford, in Essex, 1823- 
  Angel of the House (The), in four paĆ½ts, 1855; 
    part i., the Betrothal, 1854; part ii., the 
    Espousal, 1856; part iii., Faithful for Ever, 
    1860; part iv., the Victories of Love, 1862. 
  Memoir of Barry Cornwall, 1878. 
  Poems, 1844. 
Pattison (Rev. Mark), born at Hornby, in 
    Yorkshire, 1813-1884. 
  Isaac Casaubon, 1875. 
Payn (James), born at Rodney Lodge, Chelten- 
    ham, in Gloucestershire, 1830- 
  At Her Mercy. 
  Best of Husbands (The). 
  Bentinck's Tutor. 
  By Proxy, 1878. 
  Carlyon's Year. 
  Cecil's Tryst. 
  Clyffards of Clyffe (The). 
  Confidential Agent (A), 1830. 
  County Family (A), 1869. 
  Fallen Fortunes. 
  Family Scapegrace (The), 1861. 
  For Cash Only, 1882. 
  Foster Brothers (The). 
  Found Dead. 
  From Exile, 1881. 
  Grape from a Thorn (A), 1881. 
  Gwendoline's Harvest. 
  High Spirits, 1879. 
  Humorous Stories. 
  Less Black than we're Painted, 1878. 
  Like Father, Like Son, 1870. 
  Lost Sir Massingberd, 1864. 
  Marine Residence (A). 
  Married Beneath Him. 
  Mirk Abbey. 
  Murphy's Master. 
  Not Wooed, but Won. 
  Perfect Treasure (A), 1869. 
  Some Private Views, 1882. 
  Two Hundred Pounds Reward. 
  Under One Roof, 1879. 
  Walter's Word. 
  What He Cost Her, 1877. 
  Woman's Vengeance (A). 
Pearson (John), born at Snoring, in Norfolk, 
  Exposition of the Creed, 1659. 
Pennell (Henry Cholmondeley), 1836- 
  Angler-Naturalist (The), 1864. 
  Book of the Pike (The), 1866. 
  Fishing Gossip, 1867. 
  Modern Practical Angler, 1873. 
  Muses of Mayfair, 1874. 
  Puck on Pegasus, 1861. 
Pepys (Samuel), born at Brampton, in Hunting- 
    donshire, 1632-1703. 
  Diary, in shorthand, deciphered by the Rev. 
    John Smith, and published 1825. 
Percy (Thomas), born at Bridgnorth, in Shrop- 
    shire, 1728-1811. 
  Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 1765. 
Percy Anecdotes, compiled by Thomas Byer- 
    ley, of Mount Benger, in Scotland, under 
    the pseudonyms of "Sholto ." and "Reuben 
    Percy," brothers of the Benedictine Monas- 
    tery, Mount Benger, 1820-23. 
Planche (James Robinson), London, 1796- 
  Costumes for King John, 1823-1825. 
  Costumes for Richard IIL, 1830. 
  Cyclopa-dia of Costume, 1875-79. 
  History of British Costume, 1834, 1847. 
  Introduction to Heraldry, 1866. 
  King Nutcracker, 1853. 
  Popular Fairy Tales, 1857. 
Plowman (Piers), before 1350. 
  Visio Willi de Petro Plouhman, printed by 
    R. Cowley, 1550. 
  The Appendix to the Vision is called "Pierce 
    Ploughman's Crede," and was published by 
    R. Wolfe, 1553. 
Plumptre (Edward Hayes), 1821-1891. 
  Bible Educator (The), 1873. 
  Biblical Studies, 1870. 
  Book of Proverbs, 1864. 
  Byways of Scripture, 1869. 
  Christ and Christendom, 1867. 
  Confession and Absolution, 1874. 
  Dangers Past and Present, 1861. 
  Education of the Clergy, 1862. 
  Epistle of St. James (The), 1876. 
  Epistles of St. Peter and of St. Jude, 1876. 
  Epistles to the Seven Churches, 1877. 
  Gospels (The First Three), 1878. 
  Lazarus, and other Poems, 1864. 
  Master and Scholar, with other Poems, 1865. 
  Movement of Religious Thought, 1879. 
  Our Life in Heaven, 1856. 
  Perversions to Rome, 1877. 
  Respice, Aspice, Prospice, etc., 1876. 
  Spirits in Prison, 1871. 
  Tragedies of  Eschylus translated, 1870; 
    Sophocles, 1866. 
Poe (Edgar Allen), born at Baltimore, 1811- 
  Al Aaraff, and Minor Poems, 1829. 
  Bells (The), 1831. 
  Eureka, 1848.