A. Guilleminot, Artist                             A. Pleszezynski, Engraver

A BELARD, the lover of Eloisa, was noted for his sckolarship ; and 
          his coldness and self-control form a marked contrast to the pas-

          sion of Eloisa. She writes to him, urging him to visit her, and

appealing to him in behalf of the convent he has founded. 
            "Ah, think at least thy flock deserves thy care, 
            Plants of thy hand and children of thy prayer, 
            From the false world in early youth they fled, 
            By thee to mountains, wilds and deserts led. 
            You raised these hallowed walls, the desert smiled, 
            And Paradise was opened in the wild. 
            In these lone walls (their day's eternal bound) 
            These moss-grown domes with spiry turrets crowned, 
            Where awful arches make a noon-day night, 
            And the dim windows shed a solemn light, 
            Thy eyes diffused a reconciling ray, 
            And gleams of glory brightened all the day." 
Pope's " Eloisa to Abelard. "