which the king had been rightly informed. 
  Bal'lenkeiroch (Old), a Highland chief 
and old friend of Fergus M'Ivor.-Sir W. 
Scott, Waverley (time, George II.). 
  Balmung, the sword of Siegfried forged 
by Wieland the smith of the Scandinavian 
gods. In a trial of merit Wieland cleft 
Amilias (a brother smith) to the waist; but 
so fine was the cut that Amilias was not 
even conscious of it till he attempted to 
move, when he fell asunder into two pieces. 
-Niebelungen Lied. 
  Balrud'dery (The laird of), a relation 
of Godfrey Bertram, laird of Ellangowan. 
-Sir W. Scott, Guy Mannering (time, 
George II.). 
  Baltha'zar, a   merchant, in Shake- 
speare's Comedy of Errors (1593). 
  Baltha'zar, a name assumed by Portia, 
in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice (1598). 
  Baltha'zar, servant to Romeo, in Shake- 
speare's Romeo and Juliet (1597). 
  Baltha'zar, servant to don Pedro, in 
Shakespeare's Much Ado about Nothing 
  Baltha'zar, one of the three "kings" 
shown in Cologne Cathedral as one of the 
"Magi" led to Bethlehem by the guiding 
star. The word means "lord of treasures." 
The names of the other two are Melchior 
(" king of light "), and Gaspar or Caspar 
(" the white one "). Klopstock, in The 
Messiah, makes six "Wise Men," and none 
of the names are like these three. 
  Balthazar, father of Juliana, Volant6, 
and Zam'ora. A    proud, peppery, and 
wealthy gentleman. His daughter Juliana 
marries the duke of Aranza; his second 
daughter the count Montalban; and Za- 
mora marries signor Rinaldo.--J. Tobin, 
The Honeymoon (1804). 
  Balue (Cardinal), in the court of Louis 
XI. of France (1420-1491), introduced by 
sir W. Scott in Quentin Durward (time, 
Edward IV.). 
  Balugantes (4 syl.), leader of the men 
from  Leon, in Spain, and   in alliance 
with Agramant.-Ariosto, Orlando Furioso 
  Balveny (Lord), kinsman of the earl of 
Douglas.-Sir W. Scott, Fair Maid of 
Perth (time, Henry IV.). 
  Balwhidder [Bdl'wither], a Scotch pres- 
byterian pastor, filled with all the old- 
fashioned national prejudices, but sincere, 
kind-hearted, and pious. He is garrulous 
and loves his joke, but is quite ignorant of 
the world, being "in it but not of it."-- 
Galt, Annals of the Parish (1821). 
  The Rev. Micah Balwhidder is a fine represent- 
ation of the primitive Scottish pastor; diligent, 
blameless, loyal, and exemplary in his life, but 
without the fiery zeal and "kirk-filling elo- 
quence" of the supporters of the Covenant.-R. 
Chambers, English Literature, ii. 591. 
  Baly, one of the ancient and gigantic 
kings of India, who founded the city called 
by his name. He redressed wrongs, up- 
held justice, was generous and truthful, 
compassionate and charitable, so that at 
death he became one of the judges of hell. 
His city in time got overwhelmed with the 
encroaching ocean, but its walls were not 
overthrown, nor were the rooms encum- 
bered with the weeds and alluvial of the 
sea. One day a dwarf, m-med Vamen, 
asked the mighty monarch to allow him to 
measure three of his own paces for a hut 
to dwell in. Baly smiled, and bade him 