Sancho and the Duchess 
Charles R. Leslie, .4rti.t                               R. Staines, Engraver

"S    ANCHO     PANZA     went, immediately after his dinner, to see
  4     duchess, who, being delighted to bear him talk, desired him to sit

        down by her on a stool, although Sancho, out of pure good manners,

would have declined it; but the duchess told him that he must be seated as
governor and talk as a squire, since in both those capacities he deserved
very seat of the famous champion, Cid       Ruy  Dias. Sancho tbeefore 
submitted, and placed himself close by the duchess, while the damsels and

duennas drew near and stood in silent attention to hear the conversation.

*  *   *  The duchess desired him to tell the particulars of the enchantment

or lest; and Sancho recounted the whole, exactly as it had passed, very much

to the entertainment of his hearers. 
                                             Cervantks's   Don Quixote.