Theron Saville and his [Vife 
Fred. Dielman, Artist 
T HERON SAVILLE, whose wife has deserted him, lives with his old 
          mother. One night, "they were just about retiring, when a
          uncertain step was heard upon the little porch. There was a low,

hollow cough, and then came a hesitating knock. Saville took a candle and

went to the door, and the form of a woman stood in the driving sleet.  The

candle flared in the wind and nearly went out. 
   "'Who are you, Madam, and what do you want?' be asked. 
   "' am your wife,' said the woman, in a low, desperate tone. 
   "He knew from her voice that she was; but in his surprise and strong

feeling he could not immediately .Peak, and she continued: 
   "'I suppose you will thrust me out to die also, as I have been turned
 the door of my own home, and by my own father, this bitter night. I said

 I would never cross your threshold again, but I must, or perish, and I dare

 not die.'" 
   He takes her in and cares for her, but she dies within a few days. 
                                    Roe's "Near to Nature's Heart."