enchantment disappeared.-Southey, Tha- 
laba the Destroyer, vii. (1797). 
  Alon'so, king of Naples, father of Fer- 
dinand and brother of Sebastian, in The 
Tempest, by Shakespeare (1609). 
  Alonzo the brave, the name of a ballad 
by M. G. Lewis. The fair Imogene was be- 
trothed to Alonzo, but during his absence 
in the wars became the bride of another. 
At the wedding-feast Alonzo's ghost sat 
beside the bride, and, after rebuking her 
for her infidelity, carried her off to the 
Alonzo the brave was the name of the knight; 
   The maid was the fair Imogene. 
                          M. G. Lewis. 
  Alon'zo, a Portuguese gentleman, the 
sworn enemy of the vainglorious Duarte 
(3 syl.), in the drama called The Custom of 
the Country, by Beaumont and Fletcher 
  Alonzo, the husband of Cora. He is a 
brave Peruvian knight, the friend of Rolla, 
and beloved by king Atali'ba. Alonzo, 
being taken prisoner of war, is set at lib- 
erty by Rolla, who changes clothes with 
him. At the end he fights with Pizarro 
and kills him.-Sheridan, Pizarro (altered 
from Kotzebue). 
  Alonzo (Don), "the conqueror of Afric," 
friend of don Carlos, and husband of 
Leonora. Don Carlos had been betrothed 
to Leonora, but out of friendship resigned 
her to the conqueror. Zanga, the Moor, 
out of revenge, persuaded Alonzo that his 
wife and don Carlos still entertained for 
each other their former love, and out of 
jealousy Alonzo has his friend put to 
death, while Leonora makes away with 
herself. Zanga now informs Alonzo that 
his jealousy was groundless, and mad with 
grief he kills himself.-Edw. Young, The 
Revenge (1721).. 
  Alonzo Fernandez de Avellaneda, 
author of a spurious Don Quixote, who 
makes a third sally. This was published 
during the lifetime of Cervantes, and 
caused him great annoyance. 
  Alp, a Venetian renegade, who was 
commander of the Turkish army in the 
siege of Corinth. He loved Francesca, 
daughter of old Minotti, governor of Cor- 
inth, but she refused to marry a renegade 
and apostate. Alp was shot in the siege, 
aid Francesca died of a broken heart.- 
Byron, Siege of Corinth. 
  Alphe'us (3 syl.),a magician and prophet 
in the army of Charlemagne, slain in sleep 
by Clorida'no.-Ariosto, Orlando Furioso 
  Alphe'us (3 syl.), of classic story, being 
passionately in love with Arethu'sa, pur- 
sued her, but she fled from him in a fright, 
and was changed by Diana into a fountain, 
which bears her name. 
  Alphon'so, an irascible old lord in The 
Pilgrim, a comedy by Beaumont and 
Fletcher (1621). 
  Alphon'so, king of Naples, deposed by 
his brother Frederick. Sora'no tried to 
poison him, but did not succeed. Ulti- 
mately he recovered his crown, and Fred- 
erick and Sorano were sent to a monastery 
for the rest of their lives.-Beaumont and 
Fletcher, A Wife for a Month (1624). 
  Alphonso, son of count Pedro of Canta- 
bria, afterwards king of Spain. He was 
plighted to Hermesind, daughter of lord 
The young Alphonso was in truth an heir 
Of nature's largest patrimony; rich