Frances Jennings, eldest daughter of 
Richard Jennings of Standridge, near St. 
   Windsor Sentinel (The), who heard 
 St. Paul's clock strike thirteen, was John 
 Hatfield, who died at his house in Glass- 
 house Yard, Aldersgate, June 18, 1770, 
 aged 102. 
 Wingate (Master Jasper), the steward 
 at Avenel Castle.-Sir W. Scott, The Abbot 
 (time, Elizabeth). 
 Wingfield, a citizen of Perth, whose 
 trade was feather-dressing.-Sir W. Scott, 
 Fair Maid of Perth (time, Henry IV.). 
   Wingfield (Ambrose), employed at Os- 
baldistone Hall. 
  Lancie Wintgfield, one of the men em- 
ployed at Osbaldistone Hall.-Sir W. Scott, 
Bob Roy (time, George I.). 
  Wing-the-Wind (Michael), a servant 
at Holyrood Palace, and the friend of 
Adam Woodcock.- Sir W. Scott, The 
Abbot (time, Elizabeth). 
  Winifred, heroine of The Last Meet- 
ing, by Brander Matthews. In defiance of 
all innuendoes and arguments, she re- 
mains true to her lover throughout the 
period of his mysterious absence. 
  Winifrid (St.), patron saint of virgins; 
beheaded by Caradoc, for refusing to 
marry him. The tears she shed became 
the fountain called "St. Winifrid's Well," 
the waters of which not only cure all sorts of 
diseases, but are so buoyant that nothing 
sinks to the bottom. St. Winifrid's blood 
stained the gravel in the neighborhood 
red, and her hair became moss. Drayton 
has given this legend in verse in his Poly- 
olbion, x. (1612). 
   Winkle (Nathaniel), M.P.C., a young 
 cockney sportsman, considered by his 
 companions to be a dead shot, a hunter, 
 skater, etc. All these acquirements are, 
 however, wholly imaginary. He marries 
 Arabella Allen.-C. Dickens, The Pick- 
 wick P)apers (1836). 
   Winkle (Rip Van), a Dutch colonist of 
New York, who met a strange man in a 
ravine of the Catskill Mountains. Rip 
helped the stranger to carry a keg to a 
wild retreat among rocks, where he saw 
a host of strange personages playing skit- 
tles in mysterious silence. Rip took the 
first opportunity of tasting the keg, fell 
into a stupor, and slept for twenty years. 
On waking, he found that his wife was 
dead and buried, his daughter married, 
his village remodelled, and -America had 
become independent. - Washington Ir- 
ving, Sketch-Book (1820). 
  The tales of Epimenid~s, of Peter Klaus, 
of the Sleeping Beauty, the Seven Sleep- 
ers, etc., are somewhat similar.  (See 
  Winklebred or Winklebrand (Louis), 
lieutenant of Sir Maurice de Bracy, a fol- 
lower of Prince John.- Sir W. Scott, 
Ivanhoe (time, Richard I.). 
  Winnie, (Annie), an old sibyl, who 
makes her appearance at the death of 
Alice Gray.-Sir W. Scott, Bride of Lam- 
mermoor (time, William III.). 
  Winter, the head servant of General 
Witherington, alias Richard Tresham.- 
Sir W. Scott, The Surgeon's Daugqhter 
(time, George II.). 