Henri Regnault, Artist                         G. Mercier, Engraver 
A       UTOMEDON was the son of Diorus, and the charioteer of 
         "Then he ( Patrocles) called, to yoke with speed 
         The steeds, Autoinedon, whom be esteemed 
         Next to Achilles, the great scatterer 
         Of armies; for he found him ever firm 
         In battle, breasting its shock. 
         Automedon led forth to take the yoke 
         Xanthus and Balius, coursers that in speed 
         Were like the wind. Podarge brought them forth 
         To Zephyrus, while she, the Harpy, gra{ed 
         By ocean s streams.  Upon the outer side 
         He joined to them the noble Pedasus, 
         Brought by Achilles from the captured town 
         Where ruled Eetion.   Though of mortal stock 
         Well might he match with those immortal steeds." 
Automedon was killed at the fall of Troy. 
                                       Bryant's "Homer's Iliad."