Sydney Carton 
Frederick Barnard 
   "HE clocks are on the stroke of three, and the furrow Ploughed among
   t populace is turning round, to come out into the place of execution and
        The ridges thrown to this side and to that, now crumble in and close
the last plough as it passes on, for all are following to the Guillotine.
....  The 
supposed Evremonde descends and the seamstress is lifted out next after him.
He has 
not relinquished her patient hand in getting out, but still holds it as he
promised. He 
gently places her with her back to the crashing engine that constantly whirrs
up and 
falls, and she looks into his face, and thanks him. They solemnly bless each
The spare hand does not tremble as he releases it, nothing worse than a sweet,
constancy is in the patient face. She goes next before him-is gone; the knitting

women count' Twenty- Two.' " 
     -'I am the Resurrection and the Life, saith the Lord; he that believeth
in Me, 
though be were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth
in Me shall 
never die.'" 
     The murmuring of many voices, the upturning of many faces, the pressing
on of 
many footsteps on the outskirts of the crowd, so that it swells forward in
a mass, like 
one great heave of water, all flashes away. " Twenty- Three! "

                                                   Dickens's " Tale
of Two Cities.'