right to look and listen." He was drowned 
in Lake Superior by the breaking of the 
        Most beloved by Hiawatha 
        Was the gentle Chibiabos; 
        He the best of all musicians, 
        He the sweetest of all singers. 
          Longfellow, Hiawatha, vi. and xv. 
  Chibiabos, venerable chief in The Myth 
of Hiawatha and Other Oral Legends of 
North American Indians, by Henry Rowe 
Schooleraft (1856). 
  Chicaneau    (She''), a litigious 
tradesman in Les Plaideurs, by Racine, 
  Chich'i-Vache (3 syl.), a monster that 
fed only on good women. The word 
means the "sorry cow." It was all skin 
and bone, because its food was so ex- 
tremely scarce. (See BYCORN.) 
  O noble wyv~s, full of heigh prudence, 
  Let noon humilitie your tongas nayle . 
  Lest Chichi-Vache you swolive in her entraile. 
  Chaucer, Canterbury Tales ("Merchant's Tale," 
  Chick (Mr.), brother-in-law of Mr. Dom- 
bey; a stout gentleman, with a tendency 
to whistle and hum airs at inopportune 
moments. Mr. Chick is somewhat hen- 
pecked; but in the matrimonial squalls, 
though apparently beaten, he not unfre- 
quently rises up the superior and gets his 
own way. 
  Louisa Chick, Mr. Dombey's married 
sister. She is of a snappish temper, but 
dresses in the most juvenile style, and is 
persuaded that anything can be accom- 
plished if persons will only "make an ef- 
fort."--C. Dickens, Dombey and Son (1846). 
  Chicken (The), Michael Angelo Taylor, 
barrister, so called because in his maiden 
speech, 1785, he said, "I deliver this opin- 
ion with great deference, being but a 
chicken in the profession of the law." 
   Chicken (The Game), a low fellow, to be 
heard of at the bar of the Black Badger. 
Mr. Toots selects this man as his instructor 
in fencing, betting, and self-defence. The 
Chicken has short hair, a low forehead, a 
broken nose, and "a considerable tract of 
bare and sterile country behind each ear." 
-C. Dickens, Dombey and Son (1846). 
  Chickens and the Augurs. When the 
augurs told Publius Claudius Pulcher, the 
Roman consul, who was about to engage 
the Carthaginian fleet, that the sacred 
chickens would not eat, he replied, "Then 
toss them into the sea, that they may 
  Chick'enstalker (Mrs.), a stout, bonny, 
kind-hearted woman, who keeps a general 
shop. Toby Veck, in his dream, imagines 
her married to Tugby, the porter of sir 
Joseph Bowley.-C. Dickens, The Chimes 
  Chick'weed (Conkey, i.e. Nosey), the 
man who robbed himself. He was a li- 
censed victualler on the point of failing, 
and gave out that he had been robbed of 
327 guineas "by a tall man with a black 
patch over his eye." He was much pitied, 
and numerous subscriptions were made on 
his behalf. A detective was sent to ex- 
amine into the "robbery," and Chickweed 
would cry out, "There he is!" and run 
after the "hypothetical thief" for a con- 
siderable distance, and then lose sight of 
him. This occurred over and over again, 
and at last the detective said to him, " I've 
found out who done this here robbery." 
"Have you a?" said Chickweed.    "Yes," 
said Spyers, "you done it yourself." And 
so he had.-C. Dickens, Oliver Twist, xxxi. 