Haps and Mishaps, etc., 1858. 
  History of My Pets, 1850. 
  Merrie England, 1855. 
  New Life in New Lands, 1873. 
  Poems, 1851. 
  Recollections of My Childhood, 1851. 
  Stories and Legends of Travel, 1858. 
  Stories and Sights in France, etc., 1867. 
  Stories from Famous Ballads, 1860. 
  Stories of Many Lands, 1867. 
Livingstone (David), born at Blantyre, in Scot- 
    land, 1817-1873. 
  Exploration of the Zambesi, 1865. 
  Missionary Travels and Researches in South 
    Africa, 1857. 
Locke (John), born at Wrington, in Somerset- 
    shire, 1632-1704. 
  Adversariorumn Methodus, 1686. 
  Essays on the Human Understanding, 1670- 
    87; printed 1690. 
  Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures (The), 1690. 
  Letters on Toleration, 1667, 1689, 1692. 
  Method of a Commonplace Book, 1685. 
  Of the Conduct of the Understanding, 1706. 
  On Education, 1693. 
  On the Reasonableness of Christianity, 1695. 
  On Toleration, 1689. 
  Thoughts on Education, 1693. 
  Treatise on Civil Government, 1690. 
Locker (Arthur), born in Greenwich Hospital, 
  On a Coral Reef, 1869. 
  Sir Godwin's Folly, 1864. 
  Stephen Scudamore, 1868. 
  Sweet Seventeen, 1866. 
  Village Surgeon (The), 1874. 
Locker (Frederick), 1821- 
  London Lyrics, 1857. 
  Patchwork, 1879. 
Lockhart (John Gibson), born at Cambusne- 
    than, in Scotland, 1794-1854. 
  Adam Blair, 1822. 
  Essay on Cervantes, 1822. 
  Life of Burns, 1828. 
  Life of Napoleon, 1730. 
  Life of Scott, 1837-39. 
  Matthew Wald, 1824. 
  Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, 1819. 
  Reginald Dalton, 1824. 
  Spanish Ballads, 1823. 
  Valerius, 1821. 
Lockyer (Joseph Norman), born at Rugby, in 
    Warwickshire, 1836- 
  Contributions to Solar Physics, 1873. 
  Elementary Astronomy, 1871. 
  Primer of Astromony, 1874. 
  Solar Physics, 1873. 
  Spectroscope and its Applications (The), 1873. 
  Studies in Spectrum Analysis, 1878. 
  Star-gazing, Past and Present, 1878. 
Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth), born at Port- 
    land, Maine, 1807-1882. 
  Aftermath, 1873. 
  Ballads, etc., and other Poems, 1842. 
  Belfry of Brnges, and other Poems, 1846. 
  Dante translated, 1868. 
  Divine Tragedy (The), 1872. 
  Evangeline, 1847. 
  Flower de Luce, 1866. 
  Golden Legend (The), 1851. 
  Hanging of the Crane (The), 1874. 
  Hiawatha, 1855. 
  Hyperion, 1839. 
  Kavanagh, 1849. 
  Masque of Pandora (The), 1875. 
  Miles Standish, 1858. 
  New England Tragedies, 1868. 
  Outre-mer, 1835. 
  Poems on Slavery, 1842. 
  Poets and Poetry of Europe (The), 1845. 
  Seaside (The) and the Fireside, 1850. 
  Spanish Student (The), 1843. 
  Tales of a Wayside Inn, 1863. 
  Three Books of Song, 1872. 
  To a Child, 1848. 
  Voices of the Night, 1841. 
Lossing (Benson), born at Beekman, New York, 
  Brief Memoirs of Eminent Americans, 1854. 
  Illustrated History of the United States, 1854- 
  Life, etc., of P. Schuyler, 1860. 
  Life of Washington, 1860. 
  Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of In- 
    dependence, 1848. 
  Mount Vernon and its Associations, 1859. 
  Outline History of the Fine Arts (An), 
  Pictorial Field-book of the Revolution, 1848- 
  Pictorial History of the Civil War, 1866-69. 
  Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six, 1847. 
Loudon (John Claudius), born at Cambuslang, 
    in Scotland, 1783-1843. 
  Arboretum, Britannicum, 1838. 
  Derby Arboretum (The), 1841. 
  Designs for ... Farms and Farm Buildings, 
  Encyclopoodia of Agriculture, 1825; of Cot- 
    tage, Farm and Villa Architecture, 1812; 
    qf Gardening, 1822; of Plants, 1829; (sup- 
    plement, 1838) ; of Trees and Shrubs, 1842.