Angelica, in disguise, is the winner of it. 
After a time Valire is cured of his vice 
and happily united to Angelica.-Mrs. 
Centlivre, The Gamester (1709). 
   Vale'ria, sister of Valerius, and friend 
 of Horatia.-Whitehead, The Roman Father 
   Valeria, a blue-stocking, who delights 
in vivisection, entomology, women's rights, 
and natural philosophy.-Mrs. Centlivre, 
The Basset Table (1706). 
  Valerian, husband of St. Cecilia.. Ce- 
cilia told him she was beloved by an angel, 
who constantly visited her; and Valerian 
requested to see this visitant. Cecilia re- 
plied that he should do so, if he went to 
Pope Urban to be baptized. This he did, 
and on returning home, the angel gave 
him a crown of lilies, and to Cecilia, a 
crown of roses, both from the garden of 
paradise. Valerian, being brought before 
the Prefect Almachius for heresy, was 
executed. - Chaucer, Canterbury    Tales 
(" The Second Nun's Tale," 1388). 
  Vale'rio, a noble young Neapolitan 
lord, husband of Evanth6 (3 syl). This 
chaste young wife was parted from her 
husband   by  Frederick, the  licentious 
brother of Alphonso, king of Naples, who 
tried in vain to seduce her, and then of- 
fered to make her any one's wife for a 
month, at the end of which time the liber- 
tine should suffer death. No one would 
accept the offer, and ultimately the lady 
was restored to her husband.-Beaumont 
and Fletcher, A Wife for a Month (1624). 
  Valerius, the hero and title of a novel 
by J. G. Lockhart (1821). Valerius is the 
son of a Roman commander, settled in 
Britain. After the death of his father, he 
is summoned to Rome, to take possession 
of an estate to which he is the heir. At 
the villa of Capfto he meets with Athan- 
asia, a lady who unites the Roman grace 
with the elevation of the Christian. Vale- 
rius becomes a Christian also, and brings 
Athanasia to Britain. The display at the 
Flavian amphitheatre is admirably des- 
cribed. A Christian prisoner is brought 
forward, either to renounce his faith or 
die in the arena; of course the latter is 
his lot. 
   This is one of the best Roman stories in 
the language. 
   Valerius, the brother of Valeria. He 
is in love with Horatia, but Horatia is 
betrothed to Caius Curiatius.-Whitehead, 
The Roman Father (1741). 
  Valiant (The), Jean IV. of Brittany 
(1338, 1364-1399). 
  Valiant-for-Truth, a brave Christian, 
who fought three foes at once. His sword 
was " aright Jerusalem blade," so he pre- 
vailed, but was wounded in the encounter. 
He joined Christiana's party in their jour- 
ney to the Celestial City.-Bunyan, Pil- 
grim's Progress, ii (1684). 
  Vaijean (Jean), ex-convict, whose efforts 
at re-habilitation meet with rebuff and 
misconstruction. The best qualities of a 
really noble nature appear in his care for 
his adopted child, the daughter of poor 
Fantine.-Victor Hugo, Les Miserables. 
  Valkyrior or Valkyrs, stern, beautiful 
maidens, who hover over battle-fields to 
bear away to Valhalla the souls of slain 
heroes. They also wait at table in the 
halls of Valhalla.-Scandinavian Mytho- 