Deux Amis (Les), 1770, Beaumarchais. D. 
Deux Aveugles (Les), 1855, Offenbach. O.Bf. 
Deux Billets (Les), 1779, Florian. C. 
Deux Hommes pour un Placard, 1860, Desar- 
    bres. F. 
Deux Journ~es, 1800, Cherubini. 0. 
Deux Jumeaux de Bergame, 1781, Florian. C. 
Deux Papas Tr~s-Bien, 1845, Labiche. C. 
Deux Pr6cepteurs, before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. 
Devil of a Wife (The), 1686, Jevon. C. 
Devil to Pay (The), 1731, Coffey. Bd.F. 
Devil upon Two Sticks, 1768, Foote. F. 
Devil's an Ass (The), 1616, Jonson. C. 
Devil's.Charter, 1607, Barnes. T. (chief charac- 
    ter Pope Alexander VI.). 
Devil's Law-Case, 1613, Webster. C. 
Devil's Opera (The), 1838, Macfarren. 0. 
Devin du Village (Le), 1652, words and music 
    by Rosseau. Opta. 
Diable A l'Ecole, 1842, Boulanger. C.O. 
Diable A Quartre (Le), 1756, Sedaine. C.O. 
Diamants de la Couronne (Les), 1841, Auber. 
    0. (See "Crown Diamonds.") 
Diane et Endymion, 1787, Piccini. 0. 
Dido, 1734, Reed. T. 
Dido, 1783, Marmontel. 0. (music by Piceini). 
Dido, Queen of Carthage, 1594, Marlowe and 
    Nash. T. 
Dido and Aneas, 1657, Purcell. 0. 
Dido and AEneas, 1727, D'Urfey. D.E. 
Didone Abbandonata, 1724, Metastasio.   0. 
    (music by Sarro and Vinci). 
Die Zauberfl6te. (See "Zauberflite.") 
Dieu et la Bayad~re, 1830, Scribe. 0. 
Dinorah, 1859, Meyerbeer. 0. 
Dioclesian, 1690, Purcell. 0. 
Diogenes and His Lantern, 1849, Taylor. C. 
Dione, 1720, J. Gay. P.T. 
Dionysius, 1748, Marmontel.   T. (Denys le 
Diplomate (Le), 1827, Delavigne and Scribe. 
Disappointed Gallant (The), 1738, A. Thomson. 
Disappointment (The), 1684, Southerne. C. 
Discarded Son (The), 1854, Godfrey. C. (This 
    is an English version of Un Fils de .Fanille; 
    see "The Queen's Shilling.") 
Discontented Colonel, 1638, Suckling. C. 
Discovery (The), 1763, Mrs. Sheridan. C. 
Disobedient Child (The), 1575, Ingeland. Mo. 
Distrait (Le), 1697, R6gnard. C. 
Distressed Mother (The), 1725, Philips. T. 
    (Racine's tragedy Andromaque Anglicized). 
Distressed Wife (The), 1743, J. Gay. C. 
Diversions of the Morning, 1747, Foote. F. 
Divine Olimpiade, 1719, Metastasio. 0. (music 
    by Leo). 
Divorce (The), 1805, Alfieri. C. (translated by 
    C. Lloyd, 1815). 
Djengis Khan ou La Conqu~te de la Chine, 1837, 
    Anicet Bourgeois. T. 
Dr. Last in His Chariot, 1769, Foote and Bick- 
    erstaff. F. (based on Le Malade Inaginaire, 
    by Moli~re, 1673). 
Dr. Magnus, 1864, Cormon. D. 
Dodypoll (Dr.), 1600, Lyly. P1. 
Dog of Montargis, 1815. Mel. (an English ver- 
    sion of the Chien de Montargis, of Guilbert 
    de Pixtr6court). (There is another French 
    drama, called Le Chien d'Aubry, on the same 
Doigts de Fee (Les), 1858, Scribe and Legouv6. 
Domino Noir (Le), 1837, Auber. O.C. (libretto 
    by Scribe). (See " Black Domino.") 
Don Cmsar de Bazan, 19th cent., Boucicault. 
Don Carlos, 1676, Otway. T. 
Don Carlos, 1787, Schiller. T. (translated by 
    Calvert, 1836). 
Don Carlos, 1822, Lord J. Russell. T. 
Don Carlos, 1844, Michael Costa. 0. 
Don Carlos, 1867, Verdi. 0. 
Don Felix, 1714, Centlivre. C. (same as The 
Don Garcia, 1785, Alfleri. T. (translated by C. 
    Lloyd, 1815). 
Don Giovanni, 1787, Mozart. 0. (libretto by L. 
    da Ponte). Sir H. Bishop recast this opera. 
    (See "Giovanni" and "Convivado.") 
Don Juan, 1665, Glick. 0. 
Don Juan, 1665, MoliĀ±re. C. (imitated from the 
    " Convivado," q.v.). 
Don Juan, 1673, Thomas Corneille. C. (from 
    the Spanish comedy "'Convivado," q.v.). 
Don Juan, 1802, Kalkbrenner. 0. 
Don Juan d'Autriche, 1835, Delavigne. C. 
Don Pasquale, 1843, Donizetti. 0. 
Don P&dre, 1857, Cormon. D. 
Don Pedro, 1795, Cumberland. D. 
Don Pedro de Portugal, 1828, Gil y Zarate. D. 
Don Quixote, 1846, Macfarren. 0. 
Don Quixote in England, 1736, Fielding. C. 
Don Sebastian, 1690, Dryden. T. 
Don Sebastiano, 1843, Donizetti. 0. 
Donna Diana, 1864, W. Marston. C. 
Donna del Lago (La), 1821, Rossini. 0. 
Doom of Devorgoil, 1829, Sir W. Scott. P1. 
Dot., 19th cent., Boucicault. 
Double Dealer (The), 1694, Congreve. C. 
Double Deceit (The), 1736, W. Popple. C. 
Double Disguise (The), 1783, Murdoch. C.