Maid of Saxony, 1842, George Morris. 0. 
Maid of the Mill, 1765, Bickerstaff. O.F. 
     (music by Arnold). (See "Maid in the 
 Maid of the Oaks (The), 1779, Burgoyne. D.E. 
 Maid's Metamorphoses. (See "Maydes Meta- 
Maid's Revenge (The), 1639, Shirley. T. 
Maid's Tragedy, 1610, Beaumont and Fletcher. 
    T. (Waller altered the fifth act.) 
Maids and Bachelors (1768-1850), Skeffington. 
Maids as They Are, etc., 1797, Inchbald. C. 
Maiden Queen (The), 1667, Dryden. H.Pl. 
Maidenhead. (See "Maydenhead.") 
Maire du Palais (Le), 1823, Ancelot. T. 
Maitre en Droit (LIe), 1760, Monsigny. O.C. 
Malade Imaginaire (Le), 1673, Molire. C. (See 
    "Dr. Last in His Chariot," and "Robert, 
    the Invalid.") 
Malati and Madhava, 8th cent., Bhavabhouti. 
    R.T. (translated by Wilson in his Indian 
Malcontent (The), 1604, Marston and Webster. 
Male Coquette, 1758, Garrick. F. 
Mamilia, 1593, Greene. 
Man Bewitched, 1710, Centlivre. C. 
Man o' Airlee, 1866, Wills. P1. 
Man of Honor, 19th cent., Boucicault. C. 
Man of Mode (The), 1676, Etherege. C. 
Man of the World, 1764, Macklin. C. (Its 
    original title was The Freeborn Scotchman.) 
Man's the Master (The), 1668, Davenant. C. 
Management (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. 
Manfred, 1817, Byron. T. 
Manfredi, 1825, Monti. T. (A version in French, 
    by Duplissis, 1854.) 
Maniac (The), 1810, Bishop. 0. 
Mankind (time, Henry VI.), Hynghus. Mo. 
Manlius Capitolinus, 1684, Lafosse. T. (imi- 
    tated from Otway's Venice Preserved). 
Manteau (Le), 1826, Andrieux. C. 
Mantuan Revels, 1812, Chenevix. C. 
Manuel, 1817, Maturin. T. 
Maometto Secundo, 1822, Rossini. 0. 
Marciano, or The Discovery, 1663, Clerke. T.C. 
Mar6chal Ferrent (Le), 1726-1795, Philidor. 
Mar~chaux de l'Empire (Les), 1856, Anicet 
    Bourgeois. D. 
Margaret of Anjou (1727-1812), Jerningham. T. 
Margery, or The Dragoness, 1738, Carey. F. 
    (sequel to The Dragon, q.v.). 
Margherita d'Anjou, 1822, Meyerbeer. 0. (See 
    "Margaret . . .") 
Marguerite d'Anjou, 1810, Guilbert de Piz~r6- 
     court. D. 
 Mari dans du Coton, 1862, Thiboust. C. 
 Mari Impromptu, 1836, Duval. C. 
 Mar Retrouve, 1662, Dancourt. C. 
 Mari qui Lance sa Femme, 1864, Deslande or 
     Labiche (it is attributed to both). C. 
Maria Padilla, 1838, Ancelot. T. 
Maria Stuarda, 1785, Alfieri. T. (translated by 
     C. Lloyd, 1815). (See "Mary Stuart.") 
 Maria Stuart, 1800, Schiller. T. (See "Mary 
     Queen of Scots," "Mary Stuart," etc.). 
 Mariage Fait et Rompu, 1721, Dufresny. C. 
 Mariage Forc6, 1664, Moli6re. C. (See "Forced 
Mariage Infantin (Le), before 1822, Scribe. 
Mariage d'Argent (Le), 1827, Scribe. C. 
Mariage de Figaro, 1784, Beaumarchais. C. (See 
     "Nozze ... .") 
Mariage de Rien (Le), 1640-1685, Ant. J. Mont- 
    fleury. C. 
Mariages Samnites (Les), 1741-1813, Gr6try. 0. 
Mariamne, 1623, Hardy. T. 
Mariamne, 1640, P. T. L'Ermite. T. 
Mariamne, 1724, Voltaire. T. 
Marian, the Faire Queen of Jewry, 1613, Lady 
    Elizabeth Carew. T. 
Marian, 1788, Miss Brooke. P1. 
Marian (1754-1829), Shield. 0. 
Marianne, 1718, Fenton. T. 
Marie de Brabant, 1825, Ancelot. D.Pm. 
Marino Faliero, 1821, Byron. T. 
Marino Faliero, 1829, Delavigne. T. 
Marino Faliero, 1835, Donizetti. 0. 
Marion Delorme, 1829, Victor Hugo. R.D. 
Maritana (a mosaic, by Wallace, of Buy Bla" 
    and Notre Dame), 1845. 0. 
Marius, 1791, Arnault. T. 
Marius (Caius), 1680, Otway. T. 
Marius and Sylla, 1594, Lodge. H.Pl. 
Marmaduke Maxwell (Sir), 1827, Cunning 
    ham. C. 
Marplot, 1711, Centlivre. C. 
Marquis Caporal, 1864, Sejour. D. 
Marquis d'Argencourt, 1857, Dupenty. D. 
Marquis de K~nilis, 1879, Lomon. 
Marriage h-la-Mode, 1672, Dryden. C. 
Marriage-Hater Matched, 1692, D'Urfey. C. 
Marriage Night (The), 1664, H. Carey, Lord 
    Falkland. T. 
Marriage of Witte and Science (The), about 
    1559, Anon. Mo. 
Married for Money (1803-1878), C. J. Mathews. 
Married in Haste, 19th cent., H. J. Byron. 
Married Libertine (The), 1761, Macklin. F.