Percival, Sagris, Superabilis, and Tur- 
  Or we may take from the Mabinogion 
the three "battle knights," Cadwr, Launce- 
lot, and Owain; the three "counselling 
knights," Kynon, Aron, and Llywarch 
Hen; the three "diademed knights," Kai, 
Trystan, and Gwevyl; and the three 
"golden-tongued," Gwalchmai, Drudwas 
and Eliwlod, many of which are unknown 
in modern story. 
  Sir Walter Scott names sixteen of re- 
nown, seated round the king: 
    There Galahad sat with manly grace, 
    Yet maiden meekness in his face; 
    There Morolt of the iron mace; 
       And lovelorn Tristrem there; 
    And Dinadam, with lively glance; 
    And Lanval, with the fairy lance; 
    And Mordred, with his looks askance; 
       Brunor and Belvidere. 
    Why should I tell of numbers more? 
    Sir Cay, Sir Banier, and Sir Bore, 
       Sir Caradoc, the keen, 
    And gentle Gawain's courteous lore, 
    Hector de Mares, and Pellinore, 
    And Lancelot, that evermore 
       Looked stol'n-wise on the queen. 
          Bridal of Triermain, ii. 13 (1813). 
  Twelve Paladins (The), twelve famous 
warriors in Charlemague's court. 
  1. ASTOLPuO, cousin of Roland, de- 
scended from Charles Martel. A great 
boaster, fool-hardy, and singularly hand- 
some. It was Astolpho who went to the 
moon to fetch back Orlando's (Roland's) 
brains when mad. 
  2. FERUMBRAS or FiERABRAS, a Saracen, 
afterwards converted and baptized. 
  3. FLORISMART, the fidus Achattgs of Ro- 
land or Orlando. 
  4. GANELN, the traitor, count of May- 
once. Placed by Dant6 in the Inferno. 
  5. MATGRIs, in Italian MALAGIGI, cousin 
to Rinaldo, and son of Beuves of Aygre- 
mont. He was brought up by Oriande 
the fairy, and became a great enchanter. 
  6. N~mo or NAYME de Bavi~re. 
  7. OGIER, the DANE, thought to be Hol- 
ger, the hero of Denmark, but some affirm 
that "Dane" is a corruption of Damnd; 
so called because he was not baptized. 
  8. OLivER, son of Regnier, comte de 
Gennes, the rival of Roland in all feats of 
  9. OTUEL, a Saracen, nephew to Ferra- 
gus or Ferracute. He was converted, and 
married a daughter of King Charlemagne. 
  10. RINALDO, son of Duke Aymon, and 
cousin to Roland. Angelica fell in love 
with him, but he requited not her affec- 
  11. ROLAND, called ORLANDO in Italian, 
comte   de  Cenouta.   He was Charle- 
magne's nephew, his mother being Berthe, 
the king's sister, and his father Millon. 
  12. One of the following names, all of 
which are called paladins, and probably 
supplied vacancies caused by death:- 
Basin de Genevois, Geoffrey de Frises, 
Guerin, due do Lorraine, Guillaume de 
l'Estoc, Guy de Bourgogne, Hogl comte 
de Nantes, Lambert, prince of Bruxelles, 
Richard, duc de Normandy, Riol du Mans, 
Samson, duc do Bourgogne, and Thiery. 
  *** There is considerable resemblance 
between the twelve selected paladins and 
the twelve selected Table knights. In 
each case there were three pre-eminent for 
bravery: Oliver, Roland and    Rinaldo 
(paladins); Launcelot, Tristram, and Lam- 
oracke (Table knights).  In each case 
was a Saracen: Ferumbras (the paladin); 
Palomides (the Table knight). In each was 
a traitor: Ganelon (the paladin); Mordred 
(the Table Knight), like Judas Iscariot in 
the apostolic twelve. 
Who bear the bows were knights in Arthur's 
Twelve they, and twelve the peers of Charle- 
          Dryden, The Flower and the Leaf.