Genevie've de Brabant 
Ernst Bosch, Artist                                             R. Jericke,
G ENEVIEVE, the wife of Siegfried, Count of Treves, unjustly accused by one

         of her servants of unfaithfulness to her husband, is sent, by Siegfried's
         *mand, together with her infant son Scherqenreich, into the wilderness,
orders to put both mother and child to death.  Moved by her prayers, the
two men, one 
of whom is with difficulty persuaded to compassion by his more merciful companion,

consent to spare her life, but on condition that she hide herself in the
wood, while they 
return to report her defth to Siegfried. Seven years pass, and one day, while
the Count 
is hunting, the hart he is pursuing brings him to the cave where Genevieve
is living with 
her child.  The Count, astonished at the sight, breaks forth: 
               Who arn thou, then ? And what may be thy name ? 
               Surely, lood Sir, I have known better days. 
               I lived it Brabant. To these woods Ifled 
               From mun who would have killed me, innocent. 
               Nor me .lone, but my poor, lovely child. 
               What ms your name ? and what your husband's ? say! 
               My husfrnd ?  Ah, my God!    His name was Siegfried. 
               And I, inlucky one, am Genevieve. 
               And thh is his poor child, God pity him! 
Ludwig Tieck 's "'Life and Death of Saint Genevieve.'"