   JCONSUELO was neither Hindoo nor Gipsy, any more than any of the 
          tribes of Israel. She was of good Spanish blood,-doubtless with
          tinge of the Moresco; and though somewhat swarthy, she had a 
tranquility of manner which was quite foreign to any of the wandering races.

She had none of the feverish petulance, alternated by .fits of apathetic
which distinguishes the Zingarella. She was calm as the water of the lagunes,

and at the same time active as the light gondolas that skimmed along their

     "As she was growing rapidly and her mother was very poor, her clothes

were always a year too short, which gave to her long legs of fourteen years'

growth, a sort of savage grace. Her figure, confined in narrow stays ripped

at every seam, was elastic and flexible as a palm-tree. " 
                                             George Sand's - Consuelo."