Australia, and became a magistrate at 
Middlebay.-C. Dickens, David Copper- 
field (1849). 
   *** This truly amiable, erratic genius is 
 a portrait of Dickens's own father, "David 
 Copperfield" being Dickens, and "Mrs. 
 Nickleby" (one can hardly believe it) is 
 said to be Dickens's mother. 
   Mi'ehael (2 syl.), the special protector 
 and guardian of the Jews. This archangel 
 is messenger of peace and plenty.-Sale's 
 Kordn, ii. notes. 
   ** That Michael was really the pro- 
 tector and guardian angel of the Jews we 
 know from Dan. x. 13, 21; xii. 1. 
   Milton makes Michael the leader of the 
 heavenly host in the war in heaven. The 
 word means "God's power." Gabriel was 
 ,next in command to the archangel Michael. 
    Go, Michael, of celestial armies prince 
                 Paradise Lost, vi. 44 (1665). 
   * Longfellow, in his Golden Legend, 
says that Michael is the presiding spirit 
of the planet Mercury, and brings to man 
the gift of prudence (" The Miracle-Play," 
iii., 1851). 
  Michael, the " trencher favorite" of 
Arden of Feversham, in love with Maria, 
sister of Mosby. A weak man, who both 
loves and honors Arden, but is inveigled 
by Mosby to admit ruffians into Arden's 
house to murder him.-Geo. Lillo, Arden 
of Feversham (1592). 
  Michael, God of Wind (St.). At the 
promontory of Malea is a chapel built to 
St. Michael, and the sailors say when the 
wind blows from that quarter it is occa- 
sioned by the violent motion of St. 
Michael's wings. Whenever they sail by 
that promontory, they pray St. Michael to 
keep his wings still. 
   St. Michael's Chair. It is said that any 
 woman who has sat on Michael's chair (on 
 St. Michael's Mount, in Cornwall), will 
 rule her husband ever after. 
   Michael Angelo of Battle-Scenes 
 (The), Michael Angelo Cerquozzi, of Rome 
   Michael Angelo of France (The), 
 Jean Cousin (1500-1590). 
   Michael Angelo    des Kermesses, 
 Peter van Laar, called Le Bamboche, born 
 at Laaren (1613-1673). 
   Or Michel-Ange des Bambbches. 
   Michael Angelo of Music (The), Jo- 
 hann Christoph von Gilick (1714-1787). 
 Michael Angelo of Sculptors (The), 
 Pierre Puget (1623-1694). 
 R~n6 Michael Slodtz is also called the 
 same (1705-1764). 
 Michael Angelo Titmarsh, one of the 
 pseudonyms under which Thackeray con- 
 tributed to Frazer's Magazine (1811-1863). 
 Michael Armstrong, "the factory 
 boy." The hero and title of a novel by 
 Mrs. Trollope (1839). The object of this 
 novel is to expose what the authoress 
 considered to be the evils of the factory 
 Michael Perez, the copper captain. 
 (See PEREZ.) 
 Michael, the Stammerer, born at 
 Armorium, in  Phrygia, mounted    the 
 throne as emperor of Greece in A.D. 820. 
 He used all his efforts to introduce the 
Jewish Sabbath and sacrifice. 