-was a deep cavern. Rudiger got on shore, 
,still holding the babe, and Margaret fol1 
lowed. They reached the cave, two giant 
arms clasped Rudiger, Margaret sprang 
forward and seized the infant, but Rudiger 
was never seen more.-R. Southey, Budi- 
ger (a ballad from Thomas Heywood's 
   Rufus (or the Red), William II. of Eng- 
 land (1057, 1087-1100). 
   Rugby, servant to Dr. Caius, in Merry 
 Wives of Windsor, by Shakespeare. 
   Rugg, (Mr.) a lawyer living at Penton- 
ville. A red-haired mail, who wore a hat 
with a high crown and narrow brim. Mr. 
Pancks employed him to settle the busi- 
ness pertaining to the estate which had 
long lain unclaimed, to which Mr. Dorrit 
was heir-at-law. Mr. Rugg delighted in 
legal difficulties as much as a housewife 
in her jams and preserves.-C. Dickens, 
Little Dorrit (1857). 
  Ruggle'ro, a young Saracen knight, 
born of Christian parents. He fell in love 
with Bradamant (sister of Rinaldo), whom 
he ultimately married. Ruggiero is es- 
pecially noted for possessing a hippogriff, 
or winged horse, and a shield of such daz- 
zling splendor that it blinded those who 
looked on it. He threw away this shield 
into a well, because it enabled him to win 
victory too cheaply.- Orlando Innamarato 
(1495), and Orlando Furioso (1516). 
  Rukenaw (Dame), the ape's wife, in 
the beast-epic called Reynard the Fox 
  Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, a 
comedy by Beaumont and Fletcher (1640). 
Donna Margaritta, a lady of great wealth, 
wishes to marry in order to mask her in- 
trigues, and seeks for a husband a man 
without spirit, whom she can mould to her 
will. Leon, the brother of Altea, is se- 
lected as the "softest fool in Spain," and 
the marriage takes place. After marriage, 
Leon shows himself firm, courageous, high- 
minded, but most affectionate. He "rules 
his wife" and her household with a mas- 
terly hand, wins the respect Qf every one, 
and the wife, wholly reclaimed, "loves, 
honors, and obeys" him. 
   Rumolt, the chief cook of Prince Giin- 
 ther of Burgundy.-Nibelungen Lied, 800 
   Rumpelstilzchen    [], 
 an irritable, deformed dwarf. He aided a 
 miller's daughter, who had been enjoined 
 by the king to spin straw into gold; and 
 the condition he made with her for this 
 service, was that she should give him for 
 wife her first daughter. The miller's 
 daughter married the king, and when her 
 first daughter was born, the    mother 
 grieved so bitterly that the dwarf con- 
 sented to absolve her of her promise, if, 
 within three days she could find out his 
 name. The first day passed, but the se- 
 cret was not discovered; the second passed 
 with no better success; but on the third 
 day, some of the queen's servants heard a 
 strange voice singing: 
       Little dreams my dainty dame 
       Rumpelstilzchen is my name. 
  The queen, being told thereof, saved her 
child, and the dwarf killed himself from 
rage.-German Popular Stories. 
  Runa, the dog of Argon and Ruro, sons 
of Annir, king of Inis-Thona, an island of 
Scandinavia.-Ossian, The War of Inis- 