The Death of Minnehaha 
W. L Dodge, Artist 
A ND be rushed into the wigwam, 
Z       Saw the old Nokomis slowly 
        Rocking to and fro and moan- 
Saw his lovely Minnehaha 
Lying dead and cold before him. 
Then be sat down still and §peechless, 
On the bed of Minnehaha, 
At the feet of Laughing Water, 
At those willing feet, that never 
More would lightly run to meet him, 
Never more would lightly follow. 
Wilh both hands his face he covered, 
Seven long days and nights he sat there, 
As if in a swoon he sat there, 
Speechless, motionless, unconscious 
Of the daylight or the darkness. 
H. W. Longfellow's "Hiawatha.