Butler (Samuel), born at Strensham, in Worces- 
     tershire, 1612-1680. 
   Hudibras, part i., 1663; part ii., 1664; part 
     iii., 1678. 
 Byron (George Noel Gordon, lord), London, 
   Beppo, 1818. 
   Bride of Abydos, 1813. 
   Cain, 1821. 
   Childe Harold, canto i., 1809; ii., 1810; iii., 
     1816; iv., 1818. 
   Corsair (The), 1814. 
   Curse of Minerva, 1812. 
   Deformed Transformed (The), 1824. 
   Don Juan, cantos i., ii., 1819; iii.-v., 1821; vi.- 
   viii., 1823; ix.-xi., 1823; xii.-xiv., 1823; xv., 
   xvi., 1824. 
   English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, 1809. 
   Giaour (The), 1813. 
   Heaven and Earth: a Mystery, 1822. 
   Hebrew Melodies, 1815. 
   Hours of Idleness, 1807. 
   Island (The), 1823. 
   Lament of Tasso, 1817. 
   Lara, 1814. 
   Manfred, 1817. 
   Marino Faliero, 1821. 
   Mazeppa, 1819. 
   Memoirs of my own Life, 1825. 
   Monody on Sheridan, 1817. 
   Morgante Maggiore, etc., 1823. 
   Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte, 1814. 
   Parisina, 1816. 
   Prisoner of Chillon, 1816. 
   Prophecy of Dante, 1821. 
   Sardanapalus, 1821. 
   Siege of Corinth, 1816. 
   Werner, 1822. 
   Letters and Journal, 1831. 
Byron (Henry James), born at Manchester, 
  American Lady (An), 1874. 
  Fra Diavolo, 1858. 
  Ill-treated I1 Trovatore, 1855. 
  Not such a Fool as he looks, 1869. 
  Old Sailors, 1874. 
  Our Boys, 1878. 
  War to the Knife, 1865. 
Cwdmon, first English poet, died at Whitby, 
  Paraphrasis Poetica Geneseos, printed 1655. 
Campbell (John, lord), born near Cupar, in 
    Scotland, 1779-1861. 
  Lives of the Chief Justices, 1849. 
  Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1845-47. 
Campbell (Thomas), of Glasgow, 1777-1844. 
   Battle of the Baltic, 1801. 
   Exile of Erin, 1801. 
   Gertrude of Wyoming, 1809. 
   Hohenlinden, 1801. 
   Pilgrim of Gleneoe, and other Poems, 1842. 
   Pleasures of Hope, 1799. 
   Reullura, the Beautiful Star, 1817. 
   Theodoric, and other Poems, 1824. 
   Ye Mariners of England, 1801. 
 Carey (Henry), 1696-1743. 
   Sally in our Alley, 1737. 
 Carleton (William), of Ireland, 1798-1869. 
   Black Prophet (The), 1847. 
   Tales, 1841. 
   Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, 
   Valentine M'Clutchy, 1845. 
   Willie Reilly, 1855. 
 Carlyle (Thomas), of Dumfriesshire, in Scot- 
    land, 1795-1881. 
  Chartism, 1839. 
  French Revolution (The), 1837. 
  Friedrich II. the Great, vol. i., ii., 1858; iii., 
    iv., 1862. 
  Heroes and Hero-worship, 1840. 
  Life of Schiller, 1823-24; recast 1825. 
  Life of John Sterling, 1851. 
  Oliver Cromwell's Letters and   Speeches, 
  Past and Present, 1843. 
  Reminiscences, 1881. 
  Sartor Resartus, 1833-34. 
Cary (Rev. Henry Francis), born at Birming- 
    ham, 1772-1844. 
  Dante (translated), 1805-14. 
Cass (Lewis), born at Exeter, in New Hamp- 
    shire, 1782-1866. 
  King, Court, and Government of France, 
Cavendish (George), a pseudonym. 
  Life of Cardinal Wolsey, 1825. 
Chalmers (Alexander), of Aberdeen, 1759- 
  British Essayist, 1803. 
  English Poets, 1810. 
  General Biographical Dictionary, 1812-17. 
Chalmers (Thomas), born at Anstruther, in 
    Scotland, 1780-1847. 
  Adaptation of Nature to the Constitutions of 
    Man, 1833. 
Chambers (Robert), born at Peebles, in Scot- 
    land, 1802-1871. 
  Book of Days (The), 1863-64. 
Chambers (William), brother of the above, 