Cleob-ilos of Lindos, was handsome and wise; 
MitylJn6, gainst thraldom saw Pitt~cos rise; 
Periander is said to have gained, thro' his court, 
The title that Myson, the Chenian, ought. 
   *** It is Plato who says that Myson 
 should take the place of Periander as one 
 of the Seven Wise Men. 
   Seven Years. 
   Barbarossa changes his position in his 
 sleep every seven years. 
   Charlemagne starts in his chair from 
sleep every seven years. 
   Ogier, the Dane, stamps his iron mace 
on the floor every seven years. 
  Olaf Redbeard of Sweden uncloses his 
eyes every seven years. 
  Seven Year's War (The), the war 
maintained by Frederick II. of Prussia 
against Austria, Russia, and France (1756- 
  Seven Against Thebes (The). At 
the death of (Edtpus, his two sons, 
Ete6cl6s and Polynic~s, agreed to reign 
alternate years, but at the expiration of 
the first year Eteocl&s refused to resign 
the crown to his brother. Whereupon, 
Polynices induced six others to join him 
in besieging Thebes, but the expedition was 
a failure. The names of the seven Grec- 
ian chiefs who marched against Thebes 
were: Adrastos, Amphiaraos, Kapaneus, 
Hippomedon (Argives), Parthenopcoos 
(an Arcadian), Polynic~s (a Theban), and 
Tydeus (an Eolian). (See EPIGONI.) 
  2Eschylos has a tragedy on the sub- 
  Severn, a corruption      of Averne, 
daughter of Astrild. The legend is this: 
King Locryn was engaged to Gwendolen, 
daughter of Corineus, but seeing Astrild 
(daughter of the king of Germany), who 
came to this island with Homber, king of 
Hungary, fell in love with her. While 
Corineus lived'he durst not offend him, so 
he married Gwendolen, but kept Astrild 
as his mistress, and had by her a daughter 
(Averne). When Corineus died, he di- 
vorced Gwendolen, and declared Astrild 
queen, but Gwendolen summoned her vas- 
sals, dethroned Locryn, and caused both 
Astrild and Averne to be cast into the 
river, ever since called Severn fron Averne 
"the kinges dohter." 
   Sevier (Dr.), New Orleans physician. 
"His inner heart was all of flesh, but his 
demands for the rectitude of mankind 
pointed out like the muzzles of cannon 
through the embrasures of his virtues." 
He befriends the struggling Richlings, set- 
ting John upon his feet time and again, 
and in his last illness, never leaving him 
until he goes out and closes the door upon 
the dying man, reunited to his wife and 
child. Dr. Sevier finds work for the 
widow, and educates little Alice, named 
for his own dead wife. 
  "And oh! when they two, who have never 
joined hands on this earth, go to meet John and 
Alice,-which GOD grant may be at one and the 
same time,-what weeping there will be among 
GOD'S poor! "--George W. Cable, Dr. Sevier 
  Sewall (Judqe) Colonial judge in Mas- 
sachusetts. He has left in his diary a 
circumstantial account of his courtship of 
Madam Winthrop, also a curious "con- 
fession" made by him in church of the 
"Guilt contracted upon the opening of 
the late Commission of Oyer and Ter- 
miner, at Salem."-Sewall Papers (1697). 
  Sewall (Rev. Mr.). Boston clergyman, 
liberal in opinion, and large of heart. He 
counsels the Lapham parents in their 
family perplexities, and becomes the not-