Mrs. Margaret Maitland of Sunnyside, 1849. 
  Mrs. Marjoribanks. 
  Ombra, 1872. 
  Perpetual Curate (The). 
  Phoebe Junior. 
  Primrose Path (The), 1878. 
  Quiet Heart (The), 1858. 
  Rector (The). 
  Rose in June (A), 1874. 
  Salem Chapel. 
  Son of the Soil (A), 1870. 
  Squire Arden, 1871. 
  Three Brothers, 1870. 
  Valentine and his Brothers, 1875. 
  Within the Precincts, 1879. 
  Young Musgrave, 1877. 
  Zaidee, 1856. 
  Historical Sketches of the Reign of George II., 
  Life of Edward Irving, 1862. 
  Life of St. Francis of Assisi, 1870. 
  Makers of Florence, 1876. 
  Memoir of Montalembert (A), 1872. 
Olmsted (Frederick Law), born in Hartford, 
  Cotton Kingdom (The), 1861. 
  Journey in the Black Country, 1860. 
  Journey to the Seaboard Slave States, 1856. 
  Journey through Texas, 1857. 
  Walks and Talks, 1852. 
Opie (Mrs.), born at Norwich, 1769-1853. 
  Adelaide Mowbray, 1804. 
  Detraction Displayed, 1828. 
  Father and Daughter, 1810. 
  Illustrations of Lying in All its Branches, 
  Lays for the Dead, 1833. 
  Madeline, 1822. 
  Mother and Son, 1800. 
  New Tales, 1818. 
  Poems, 1802-8. 
  Simple Tales, 1806. 
  Tales of the Heart, 1811. 
  Tales of Real Life, 1813. 
  Temper, or Domestic Scenes, 1812. 
  Valentine Eve, 1812. 
  Warrior's Return (The), and other Poems, 
Ossian, Celtic warrior-poet, said to have lived 
    in the third century. 
      Poems published by James Macpherson, 
    consist of two epics, viz. "Fingal" and 
    "Temora," and several smaller prose-poems, 
Owen (Robert Dale), born at New Lanark, in 
    Scotland, 1804-1877. 
  Authenticity of the Bible, 1832. 
  Beyond the Breakers, 1870. 
  Debatable Land (The), 1872. 
  Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World, 
  Threading my Way, 1874. 
  Wrong of Slavery (The), 1864. 
Paine (Thomas), born at Thetford, in Norfolk. 
  Age of Reason, 1792-95, 1807. 
  Agrarian Justice, 1797. 
  American Crisis (The), 1776, 1796. 
  Common Sense, 1776. 
  Crisis (The), 1776-80. 
  Dissertation on the First Principles of Gov- 
    ernment, 1795. 
  Political and Moral Maxims, 1792. 
  Prospects on the Rubicon, 1787. 
  Public Good, 1780. 
  Rights of Man (The), 1791-92. 
Paley (William), born at Peterborough, in 
    Northamptonshire, 1743-1805. 
  Evidences of Christianity, 1794. 
  Hora3 Paulinoe, 1790. 
  Moral and Political Philosophy, 1785. 
  Natural Theology, 1802. 
Palgrave (Francis Turner), London, 1824- 
  Essays on Art, 1866. 
  Five Days' Entertainments at Wentworth 
    Grange, 1868. 
  Golden Treasury of English Songs, etc., 1861. 
  Hymns, 1867. 
  Idylls and Songs, 1854. 
  Life of Sir Walter Scott, 1867. 
  Lyrical Poems, 1871. 
  Visions of England (The), poems, 1881. 
Park (Mungo), born near Selkirk, in Scotland, 
  Travels (in 1795-97) in the Interior of Africa, 
Parker (Rev. Theodore), born at Lexington, 
  Discourse of Matters pertaining to Religion, 
  Sermons, 1852-53. 
  Speeches, 1855. 
Parkman (Francis), born at Boston, 1823- 
  California and Oregon Trail (The), 1849. 
  Discovery of the Great West (The), 1869. 
  France and England in America, 1865-67. 
  Frontenac, 1878. 
  History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, 1851. 
  Old RWgime in Canada (The), 1874. 
  Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life, 1852. 
  Vassal Morton, 1856. 