Elmire and Tartufle 
Carl Hoff, Artist                                        J. Bailin, Fngraver

E LMIRE wishes to expose Tartuffe's duplicity, and conceals her husband 
        under the table, that he may listen to Tartuffe's love-making. 
     v lfeel myself so unworthy of your favor that I doubt the success of
 boldness, and I will believe nothing, Madame, before you give real proofs."

       Alas ! how tyrannical your passion is! How it bewilders my mind! 
 With what fierce sway it takes possession of my heart! Is there no avoiding

your pursuit? How can I consent to what you ask without offending Heaven,

of which you are always speaking?" 
      "If it is only Heaven you can oppose to my wishes, it is nothing
for me 
 to remove such an obstacle. " 
       But they make us so terribly afraid of the judgment of Heaven."

     "I can, Madame. dissipate these ridiculous terrors, and I understand

 the art of allaying scruples." 
                                                  Molidre's   Tartuffe.'"