make Brazil the chief kingdom of the 
  Arabian Legends. MAHOMMED MOiADI, 
the twelfth ima'n, is only sleeping, like 
Charlemagne, till Antichrist    appears, 
when he will awake in his strength, and 
overthrow the great enemy of all true be- 
  NOUBJAHAD is only in a temporary sleep, 
waiting the fulness of time. 
  British  Traditions. KING ARTHUR is 
not dead in Avillon, but is merely meta- 
morphosed into a raven. In due- time he 
will awake, resume his proper person, 
claim the throne of Britain, and make it 
the head and front of all the kingdoms of 
the globe. "Because King Arthur bears 
for the nonce the semblance of a raven, 
the people of Britain never kill a raven" 
(Cervantes, Don Quixote, I. ii. 5). 
  GYNETH slept 500 years by the enchant- 
ment of Merlin. She was the natural 
daughter of King Arthur and Guendolen, 
and   was thus punished    because she 
would not put an end to a combat in 
which   twenty knights were mortally 
wounded, including Merlin's son.-Sir W. 
Scott, Bridal of Triermain (1813). 
  MERLIN, the enchanter, is not dead, but 
"sleeps and sighs in an old tree, spell- 
bound by Vivien."-British Legend. 
  ST. DAvri was thrown into an enchanted 
sleep by Ormandine, but after sleeping for 
seven years, was awoke by Merlin. 
  French Legend. The French slain in 
the SICILA VESPERS are not really dead, 
but they sleep for the time being, await- 
ing the day of retribution. 
  German Legends. BARBAROSSA, with six 
of his knights, sleeps in Kyffhaiisberg, in 
Thuringia, till the fulness of time, when 
they will awake and make Germany the 
foremost kingdom of the earth. The 
beard of the red king has already grown 
through the table slab at which he is sit- 
ting, but it must wind itself three times 
round the table before his second advent. 
Barbarossa occasionally wakes and asks, 
"Is it time ?" when a voice replies, "Not 
yet. Sleep on." 
  CHARLEMAGNE is not dead, but only 
asleep in Untersberg, near Saltzburg, 
waiting for the advent of Antichrist, 
when he will rouse from his slumber, go 
forth conquering, and will deliver Chris- 
tendom that it may be fit for the second 
advent and personal reign of Christ. 
  CHARLES V., kaiser of Germany, is only 
asleep, waiting his time, when he will 
awake, return to earth, "resume the mon- 
archy over Germany, Portugal, Spain, 
Belgium, the Netherlands, and Denmark, 
putting all enemies under his feet." 
  KNEz LAzAR, of Servia, supposed to 
have been slain by the Turks in 1389, is 
not really dead, but has put on sleep for 
a while, and at an allotted moment he will 
re-appear in his full strength. 
  Grecian Legends. ENDYM'IoN, a beauti- 
ful youth, sleeps a perpetual sleep in Lat- 
mos. Selinen (the moon) fell in love with 
him, kissed him, and still lies by his side. 
In the 3ritish Museum is an exquisite 
statue of Endymion asleep.-Greek Fable. 
  EPimNl'rDs (5 syl.), the Cretan poet, 
was sent in boyhood to search for a stray 
sheep; being   heated   and  weary, he 
stepped into a cave, and fell asleep for 
fifty-seven years. Epimenid~s, we are 
told, attained the age of 154, 157, 229, and 
some say 289 years.-Pliny, History, vii. 
  Irish  Traditions.  BRIAN, surnamed 
"Boroimhe," king of Ireland, who con- 
quered the Danes in twenty pitched bat- 
tles, and was supposed to have been slain 
in the battle of Clontarf, in 1014, was only 
stunned. He still sleeps in his castle of 
Kincora, and the day of Ireland's neces- 
sity will be Brian's opportunity. 