7oseph Swrface and Lady 
L    ADY     TEAZLE is in Joseph Surface's library    when her husband 
       calls, and conceals herself behind a screen. Charles Surface is 
       announced, and Sir Peter resolves to overhear the conversation. He

 tlempts to go behind the screen. 
              Sir Peter 
   Hey! what the devil, there seems 
 to be one listener here already-I'll 
 swear I saw a petticoat. 
          Joseph Surface 
   Ha! Ha! Ha!        Well this is 
 ridiculous enough. I'll tell you, Sir 
 Peter, though I hold a man of intrigue 
 to be a most despicable character, yet, 
 you know, it does not follow that one 
 is to be an absolute Joseph either. 
 Hark'ee, t'is a little French milliner, 
 a silly rogue that plagues me; and 
 having some character to lose, on 
your coming, sir, she ran behind the 
             Sir Peter 
   Ah, Joseph ! Joseph! Did I ev.er 
think that you-But, egad. she has 
overheard all I have been saying of 
my wife. 
          Joseph Surface 
   Oh, 't will never go any further, 
you may depend upon it. 
             Sir Peter 
   No! then, faith, let her hear it 
out. Here's a closet will do as well. 
          Joseph Surface 
   Well, go in there. 
             Sir Peter " 
   Sly rogue ! sly rogue! (Goes into 
the closet.) 
       Lady Teazle (peeping) 
   C(ouldn't I steal off ? 
          Joseph Surface 
   Keep close, my angel! 
 Sheridan's " School for Scandal,"